#Klimawandel #Temperaturrekord #RekordJuli #Briefing 280 #Klimakrise #Treibhausgase #Emissionen #CO2 #CO2Ausstoß #Regen #Dürre #Niederschlag #KühlerSommer #Klimakrise #Klimakatastrophe #Klimageld #CO2Preis #CO2Bepreisung #FossileFuels #Brennstoffe
Der heißeste Juli seit dem Beginn der Aufzeichnungen – weltweit (Statista + Kommentar) | Briefing 280 | Umwelt, Klima, Klimawandel
#klimawandel #temperaturrekord #rekordjuli #briefing #klimakrise #treibhausgase #emissionen #co2 #co2ausstoß #regen #durre #niederschlag #kuhlersommer #klimakatastrophe #klimageld #co2preis #co2bepreisung #fossilefuels #brennstoffe
As #Louisiana grapples with accelerating erosion, it has turned a blind eye to #LNG terminals cropping up along its coast. Not only are these facilities contributing to the problem, they are increasingly vulnerable to storm damage and pose a massive risk to the communities they’ve intruded upon. All in the name of an economic boos that is completely negated by tax exemptions.
From #TheLensNola in partnership with #Grist:
#louisiana #lng #thelensnola #Grist #environment #climate #fossilefuels
We all know ExxonMobil has been lying about climate change for decades, but you may not know that ExxonMobil knew about the link between fossil fuels and climate change since the 1970s.
#exxonmobil #DWNews #ClimateChange #fossilefuels
Could we just shoot #FossileFuels industry to Mars for #terraforming there instead of more decades of prototyping here on earth please?
Could we just shoot #SpaceKaren and #FossileFuels industry to Mars for #terraforming there instead of more decades of prototyping here on earth please?
#SpaceKaren #fossilefuels #terraforming
Even conservative organizations benefit from #renewables #solarpanels . What shouldn't be a political issue has become one through #FossileFuels propaganda and political #tribalism
CleanTechnica: MidwayUSA’s Record Solar Install Shows That Clean Energy Isn’t Just For Lefties in 2022.
#renewables #solarpanels #fossilefuels #tribalism