3/7 Joined by fellow activists, we held up banners saying "ČEZ, don't extend mining in Bílina" and "This is a Fossil Crime Scene." Our words and banners conveyed a clear message: let's protect our planet from climate crimes! #FossilFreeFuture
3/7 S ním se připojili další aktivisté a aktivistky s transparenty "ČEZ, neprodlužujte těžbu na Bílině" a "This is a Fossil Crime Scene". Naše slova i transparenty měly jasnou zprávu: ochraňujme naši planetu před klimatickými zločiny! #FossilFreeFuture
#COP28 is our chance to make real progress on climate action, but having a #BigOilCEO leading the charge is a step backwards. We're joining @CANIntl@twitter.com in calling for Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber's resignation from @ADNOCGroup@twitter.com. Are you with us? #FossilFreeFuture https://act.priceofoil.org/sign/kick-polluters-out?akid=s128311..uNlrrD
#COP28 #bigoilceo #fossilfreefuture
#COP28 is our chance to make real progress on climate action, but having a #BigOilCEO leading the charge is a step backwards.
We're joining @CANIntl@twitter.com in calling for Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber's resignation from @ADNOCGroup@twitter.com.
Are you with us? #FossilFreeFuture https://act.priceofoil.org/sign/kick-polluters-out?akid=s128239..WL6EJ-
#COP28 #bigoilceo #fossilfreefuture