athlete cannot survive in dewpoint temps much higher .… you’re not an Olympic athlete. #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency killing many millions… moving on to steep part of curve @350. #ClimateHomicide. #FossilFuelCorporations #FossilFuelExecutives guilty
#climatechange #climateemergency #climatehomicide #fossilfuelcorporations #fossilfuelexecutives
> We are taking to the streets because we are outraged. But also because we are hopeful, and determined to use our anger and our hope to resist - and to build a better future for ourselves and our planet....
> We want a liveable future powered by renewable energies, that is just and accessible to everyone.
#ThreeFiftyDotOrg #GlobalPowerUp #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming #OilGiants #FossilFuelCorporations #FossilPsychos #EnergyJustice #Reparations
#reparations #energyjustice #fossilpsychos #fossilfuelcorporations #oilgiants #globalwarming #climatecrisis #globalpowerup #threefiftydotorg