@jhaue Just thinking about the reefs off the Florida coast that just died. No chance to bleach. Alive one day - dead the next. This could happen to our GBR whilst the dopes in Canbera pat each other on the back, and the Qld Premier trots around flogging coal royalties.
Don't get me wrong. One more term of #Morryscum and his COALition would have been more disastrous, and heck knows the #LimpLNP in Qld would sell us out to Palmer, et al, in a flash. I just expected more of Plibersek, and Albanese. #FossilFuelFools #ClimateDisaster
#morryscum #limplnp #fossilfuelfools #climatedisaster
A hissy fit for the record books #gascartel #gas #santos #shell #woodside #origin #exxonmobil #FossilFuelFools #FossilFuelLies
#gascartel #gas #Santos #shell #woodside #origin #exxonmobil #fossilfuelfools #fossilfuellies
The question that should be dominating debate is how quickly Australia can replace gas with renewables #AusPol #FossilFuelFools
As everybody knows, Fox News is a part of that Argus-eyed monster, News Corporation, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Most people mistakenly think of Rupert Murdoch as a media mogul — and this is not strictly true. Murdoch is also an oil man….. #gascartel #MurdochRoyalCommission #FossilFuelFools
#gascartel #MurdochRoyalCommission #fossilfuelfools
#AusPol #FossilFuelFools #prices
Energy users and ex-ACCC boss praise government for staring down ‘bullies of the gas industry’
#auspol #fossilfuelfools #prices