Great op-ed on #FossilFuelRacism and the need to phase out oil production in California.
"Stopping the construction of fossil fuel facilities and retiring existing infrastructure are the most protective measures for public health."
This article from Emily Sanders also gives a good overview of our #FossilFuelRacism paper, and puts it in the context of ongoing efforts to hold fossil fuel companies accountable.
Oil companies knew about climate change decades ago but took steps to slow climate action. #ExxonKnew
Nick Cunningham gave a thoughtful and thorough write up of our #FossilFuelRacism paper in this article in Gas Outlook.
This gives an especially interesting focus on what the current rush toward a massive #CCUS build out could mean for places like the Gulf Coast...
Definitely worth a read.
The good news is that addressing the climate crisis is a tremendous opportunity to improve public health and roll back #fossilfuelracism all at once.
But, as EJ groups have long pointed out, too many climate policies are "carbon-centric" in their design and do not fully encompass local air pollution and equity concerns.
These poorly designed "carbon-centric" policies could fail to adequately address #FossilFuelRacism ...
But better policies exist!
The study details how each stage of fossil fuel production -- extraction, transport/processing, combustion -- creates air and water pollution.
These "sacrifice zones" disproportionately impact Black, Brown, Indigenous, & poor people.
Overlaid on top of this are the unevenly distributed impacts of the climate crisis.
We term the inequitable, intersectional, multiscale impact of these sources collectively to be #FossilFuelRacism, and analyze it as a subset of environmental racism
Excited to report that our paper on #FossilFuelRacism was published in #ERSS!
The paper (by me, Noel Healy, Charlie Jiang, and Colette Pichon Battle) maps out:
#1. the health harms that arise at every stage of the coal, oil, and gas lifecycles, and
#2. their disproportionate impact on Black, Brown, Indigenous and poor communities. 1/x 🧵