Cartoonists of Australia standing up to the fossil fuel industry
Thank you @firstdogonthemoon & friends for doing the right thing!
#BigOilKnew #FossilFuelsKill #ClimateAction #keepitintheground
Why I’m not entering the Walkleys this year – Kudelka Cartoons
#bigoilknew #fossilfuelskill #ClimateAction #keepitintheground
Greta Thunberg: “I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as if you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house was on fire, because it is.”
#Greece #Italy #Spain #Canada #US #Hawaii
#FossilFuelsKill #ArrestFossilFuelBosses
#DontLookUp #fire #smoke #JustStopOil
#FridaysForFuture #ExtinctionRebellion #COP28
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction
#greece #italy #spain #canada #us #hawaii #fossilfuelskill #arrestfossilfuelbosses #Dontlookup #fire #smoke #juststopoil #fridaysforfuture #extinctionrebellion #COP28 #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateaction
"Since 2015, the small non-profit Walk works for, Coal River Mountain Watch, named after one of the mountains in the midst of this, has lodged dozens of complaints with state regulators with evidence garnered from what he’s captured on drone footage."
Loistava juttu! Walkilla on suorasanaisia näkemyksiä myös mm elämästä maaseudulla, politiikasta ja vähemmistöön kuulumisesta.
#climateCrisis #activism #fossilFuels #fossilFuelsKill #ilmastokriisi
#ClimateCrisis #activism #fossilfuels #fossilfuelskill #ilmastokriisi
RT @ChrisStoecker
So this is the situation: Imagine you own a few gold mines. You make incredible amounts of money every year. Then one day somebody discovers that the gold you mine is a toxic substance that will destroy human civilization. What do you do? Stop mining and selling? #FossilFuelsKill
So it's a dangerous double whammy regarding NZ's National Party:
1) National would have caused far more Covid19 deaths with their ignorance and disinformation spreading, which already undermined life-saving efforts.
2) National soundbites are so slimy with fossil fuel disinformation that their take on climate disasters has been either to offer insincere solutions or bury heads in buckets of thick crude, risking human and animal lives unnecessarily.
#nzpol #nationalpartynz #fossilfuelskill