I'd like to highlight a niche paper by Hans Pellmann (2021) that documents branchiopod crustacean aktuo-paläontologie--documenting what happens in the modern world BEFORE fossilization. First, a dried out community of the clam shrimp Limnadia lenticularis (photo b J. Venzlaff). #arthropoda #crustacea #branchiopoda #spinicaudata #conchostraca #taphonomy #fossilization
#arthropoda #crustacea #branchiopoda #spinicaudata #conchostraca #taphonomy #fossilization
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 21 (delayed by a busy travel day)
As we move towards the far #North we encounter one of the (literally) coolest kinds of #fossilization. When the #frozen ground known as #permafrost forms, it can #freeze dry #animals buried in it. This ground #squirrel, Urocitellus undulatus from #Alaska 🇺🇸 and displayed in the #AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory, burrowed into the ground in life and was #mummified by it after death, providing a remarkable window into life in the #IceAge.
#fossiladventcalendar #north #fossilization #frozen #permafrost #freeze #animals #squirrel #alaska #americanmuseumofnaturalhistory #mummified #IceAge