@maphew @beto @sara #FossilSCM is absolutely wonderful. For many people the use would be much simpler with Fossil. The default is to sync, and everything contained in an easily compilable binary, with the repository being one file. Plus, as you mention, distributed tickets, wiki etc.
For my personal projects I don’t use git anymore.
@karl @marcan A large part of that is entirely #git's fault, because #FossilSCM has no such problem (it has different ones instead mostly from its focus on cathedral development...).
Git's design insistence on carrying none of the other project metadata and tooling required for its use is a problem.
@hanna @nuempe Is it a replacement for just #git itself or does it include the rest of the necessary tooling for a project #FossilSCM style?
From the sound of it that's a flat "no" at the moment.
@trurl I use #orgzly with #fossilscm. With syncthing I got conflicts from time to time which fas annoying. Fossil is amazing and its merge is superior to git's.
It's depressing that this is even a problem in the first-place though, because Git really could've and after playing around a tiny bit with https://fossil-scm.org... probably should've just provided most of this stuff by default. Probably could've naturally evolved into something like that, but Github got too popular too early on so I think this ad hoc ecosystems just settled into the norm.
Really, if #FossilSCM was even somewhat viable I'd probably jump to it tbh lol
@machocam Yes but the session extension is much better at that! And I already use #Fossil #fossilscm extensively since more than 10 years thanks, it's great! but php-src uses git.
@piggo I've been using Fossil for my personal shit for years and years now while all your clouds have been evaporating left and right.
It's also nicer and better than git and doesn't smell like elderberries. Heck, it has a usable project wiki right in there with it. And web servering.
New #cxxomfort Release.
The newest release, "Super Detection Feature Macros", brings the library up to code with SD6 feature macros, which are now also implemented by the library itself to announce features. The library now also implements basic std::span and std::expected support, and includes its own internal status_code system built from SG14.
Starting with this release, the library is now moved to a new host.
More notes in CHANGELOG.txt.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New #cxxomfort Release.
The newest release, "What'sdown with Facebook", primarily brings heightened feature detection using SD6 macros, and checks the library code for any interconnection with Facebook, just in case. It should now compile in a much larger array of compiler versions than previous versions, now that a lot of already-defined error points are avoided.
Also general system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
More notes in CHANGELOG.txt.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New #cxxomfort Release.
The newest release, "Extended featureset of basic utils", primarily brings some tools like array, array_ref and typelist into the forefront. Also starting with this release cxxomfort uses SD-6 macros to detect features from C++14 onwards. Also general system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
More notes in CHANGELOG.txt.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New #cxxomfort Release.
The newest commit, "Welcome to 2020 + [0, 1) ", primarily focuses on improving the backports from <random>. In particular, it overrides some of the utilities from that header in MSVC and GCC TR1 that were hilariously broken. There are also some other small improvements, such as adding basic support for Digital Mars 8.5x.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New #cxxomfort Release.
The new 2020-12-09 "Alatreon Expansion".
Includes a number of new benefits such as promoting array_ref, cstring_view and function_caller out of Supplements and into Utils; adds swap_if proposal, adds at_or, adds printf-like literals, and enhances compatibility with Clang 5.x and GCC 5.x.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New Software Update:
I have updated #dokuwiki plugin:countdown (print countdowns to specific dates). The new version fixes some compatibility issues with newer PHP, up to and including extending the calendar support to at least year 1900.
The code is available in #fossilscm hosting Chiselapp https://chiselapp.com/user/lmachucab/repository/dokuwiki-plugin-countdown
I am, unfortunately, yet to update the public demos of the plugin. Apologies for that.
#dokuwiki #fossilscm #softwaredevelopment #softwarerelease #php #wiki
New #cxxomfort Release.
Technically a beta release, the newest commit primarily marks an update to enhance type_traits and hash compatibility, and test the foundations for conformance with MSVC 2015 onward. The next "release" release should include correct support for MSVC 2015 and 2017, Clang 5.x and 6.x, and better <random>.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New #cxxomfort Release: the COVID Fonda Release.
Named as such because I thought it and coded it while eating empanadas, drinking vino tinto and "enjoying" confinement; this update primarily marks an update for the Doxygen documentation and the addition of a few C++20 features, most notably bind_front(), and the addition of some compatibility fixes to enhance support of MSVC 2013 and potentially MSVC 2015.
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
New Software Release:
I have updated #cxxomfort , my C++ backports library. Cxxomfort is header-only and focuses on backporting or emulating features of newer C++ Standards to previous Standards.
The new release contains fixes and improvements that extend support to Clang 5 and MSVC 2013, and adds a new features from C++17 and C++20 (most notably move-able numerics).
#softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
#cxxomfort #softwaredevelopment #cxx #cpp #softwareprogramming #fossilscm
@joeyh Fossil-scm is an attempt to bundle issue tracking, wikis, comments etc. along with a version control system. Everything goes into the same repository. Everyone who clones a fossil repository has a full copy of the website along with the code (think git + GitHub both being in the repository itself).
I was using it for a pet project but didn't try it with a team.