It's been a lot of work but now it's organized 💪 - "Mapping fossil ties - a symposium"
📅 when: Thursday 16 March, 15:15-18:00 h
📍 where: #Wageningen University Campus
For all academics and students in the Netherlands: come and learn how to investigate the ⛽ #fossil ties of your university. We've invited high profile speakers: Vatan Hüzeir and Brigitte Wear. In four workshops you can learn how to map the ties of your institution with different methods and a follow-up project will be presented to keep the pressure up. Knowledge and transparency is the base for action!
Sign up via:
(Please boost)
@marijnvdpas @djoerd @extinctionrebellionnl #S4F #climatechange #climatecrisis #greenwashing #scientists4future #fossilties #symposium #science #academia #nederland #shell
#shell #nederland #academia #science #symposium #fossilties #scientists4future #greenwashing #climatecrisis #climatechange #s4f #fossil #Wageningen