Jolla / Sailfish OS News Network:
"Building downloadable #SailfishOS and next steps of #Jolla with #Sailfish3" with Program Manager Vesa-Matti Hartikainen and Community Manager James Noori at #FOSSNorth2018.
#sailfishos #jolla #sailfish3 #fossnorth2018
RT @therealpadams: “KDE was always a technically better desktop!”
“BUT WHERE IS THE USER EXPERIENCE FOCUS!?” @kdecommunity @gnome #fossnorth2018 #freesoftware #teamemacs
#freesoftware #teamemacs #fossnorth2018
Jolla / Sailfish OS News Network:
Meet #Jolla at #FOSSNorth2018 in Gothenburg. Jolla's project manager and community manager will be holding talks about the history of the company and #SailfishOS. Additionally it will be possible to try devices running the #Sailfish3 preview.
- More about the event:
- There will also be a Sailfish OS community meetup:
#jolla #fossnorth2018 #sailfishos #sailfish3