For anyone who (like me) has been looking for the #FOSSY recordings, and hadn’t yet figured it out:
Thanks to @linux_mclinuxface for pointing me in the right direction.
You should watch my talk "How you write matters in #OpenSource" from #FOSSY.
My talk from #FOSSY23 has been uploaded! It's an introduction and overview of the #XMPP protocol targeted at technically minded folks with no experience of the protocol or realtime communication. #FOSSY
The interview happened after running into someone at lunch at #FOSSY and after we were done eating I found myself behind a microphone talking up @reproducible_builds
Was a nice opportunity to be interviewed about a project I have spent much of the last few years working on!
The questions took me in directions I might not otherwise have gone, but I enjoyed the dynamic nature of it.
Hats off to the editors too, who kept the good bits!
Wondering when folks can watch the talks they missed at #FOSSY since there were so many great ones scheduled at the same time! Gently nudging... @conservancy@sfconservancy
The joy of discovering @NorthBayPython got a shout out in the @PeoplesCDC weekly COVID-19 weather report on account of our approach to #HealthAndSafety :ablobcatneon:
There are shining examples of events around the globe fully adapting to the COVID era.
I'm thrilled with what #FOSSY, #OpenInfraSummit, and #BSDCan did earlier this year, like what #SeaGL has planned, and applaud the #PyConAU organizers for their approach, too: 👏🏻
#HealthAndSafety #fossy #openinfrasummit #bsdcan #SeaGL #pyconau
@conservancy When / where should we expect the #FOSSY recordings? I see the keynote discussion on the YouTube channel, but I don't see any news on the SFC or FOSSY sites about the actual session recordings.
My @NorthBayPython talk recording, "Developing Labs for Teaching Kids Webdev", is online:
Turnaround: 15 hours! Thanks, @nextdayvideo!
Slides:; blog post forthcoming.
Thanks also to #NBPy for facilitating a great conference, #FOSSY @conservancy for also having me talk, and @ekulbyrnes for devising this ridiculous #ScoutHack idea!
Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Is This Open Source? #Linux #IBM #RHEL #OpenSource #FOSSY
#linux #ibm #rhel #opensource #fossy
There are big challenges facing the #opensource software community when it comes to AI. At #FOSSY in Portland, a group convened to answer the question, “What does Open Source mean in an AI world?”
Read all about it.
Whoever was at the table chatting about Foundation before the closing remarks for #FOSSY , I really need to sit down with you all again and talk about that first episode of Season 2. 😳
At #FOSSY, there was a lot of talk about acknowledging non-code contribution in open source.
I thought I snapped a picture of the slide, but there was some GitHub tool that allowed for counting this type of contribution. My fuzzy recollection was that it consisted of a big array of emojis?
Does anyone recall that tool? I can't even place which talk it was in, but I think it was on the community track.
Otherwise, I guess I'll wait until the videos come out.
This was one of the most engaged panels I’ve ever been on. Great audience, to boot. Thanks for having us, @conservancy. #fossy
After a delayed connection in Seattle meant I didn't make it home until 2:30 AM, my first day home from #FOSSY was honestly spent in bed. The aches and exhaustion, however, were worth it, in order to be in community with each other - and to do so with a sense of caring and responsibility towards our health and safety. I hope this event is a catalyst for other FOSS conferences to do the same.
Coming to terms today with the fact that I was profoundly uncomfortable last week at #fossy. Not sure why. Seeing so many people I haven't seen in ~4 years gave me so much pleasure, but I felt like I was an intruder. Felt like I have changed, so much, not necessarily for the better. So the pleasure of meeting familiar people was mixed with a feeling of being out of place, and a desire to isolate. I am sorry I did not spend more time with you all.
@conservancy Where and when should we expect the #FOSSY recordings, and do you per chance also have a copy of the slides presented?