#SCOTUS is deciding whether or not to overturn #ICWA. This is a law that protects Indigenous children from being taken into the #FosterSystem and adopted out of their tribes. That's a form of #HumanTrafficking and #CulturalGenocide, and it was a regular occurrence before ICWA.
The US Supreme Court has already proven itself, in no uncertain terms, willing to go against public opinion. So while I wholeheartedly recommend you take all the actions suggested in other posts on this topic, including calling the Supreme Court phone number and stating your objection, we also need #DirectAction plans in place for if ICWA is overturned anyway.
For context, I myself am white, and nothing I say here should be taken as representative of Indigenous perspectives. We need to listen to Indigenous people first.
If you're planning #adoption and you're not Indigenous, don't adopt an Indigenous child. Make sure everyone you know understands why this is important, especially those who are planning on adopting. Human trafficking is a capitalist system and relies on a market; we have to be diligent about denying the creation of that market.
If someone you know who is not Indigenous adopts an Indigenous child anyway, the first thing you should do is contact the child's tribe. Tell them where the child is, who they're with, what name they're going by, and anything else the tribal officials ask. Hopefully the child can be properly reunited with their tribe.
For those who don't get reunited, we need to make sure child-friendly Indigenous education is publicly accessible and ubiquitous. Books by Indigenous authors need to be on the shelves of every library and in every classroom. Indigenous art needs to be created and presented in a culturally appropriate manner, and everyone needs to support that process however we can: materially, financially, with appropriate publicity, etc. What Indigenous people are saying about ICWA and other issues that directly impact their communities should take priority over what non-Indigenous people say, and we should boost it whenever we see it.
#scotus #ICWA #fostersystem #HumanTrafficking #culturalgenocide #DirectAction #Adoption