Olivier Blond · @olireiv
1058 followers · 1998 posts · Server zeroes.ca

There's no need of an for a cerebral implant to step over your rights.
Every click you do with a mouse, while monitored by , is a breach over your
The wake up call to regulate this is so late, if not complicit.

#ai #gafa #freedomofthought #un #fot

Last updated 1 year ago

Matthias MProve · @mprove
237 followers · 166 posts · Server hci.social

Take a cow with three legs. Provide a prothetic leg to the cow. How many legs does the cow have now? Three or four?

Take an AI system and generate a string of characters. Do you get a written text?

I was in the mood to write "From Human Judgement to Calculation" :: mprove.de/script/23/fot4/index

#ai #CHI23 #fot #futureoftext #generativeAI

Last updated 2 years ago

Iris Richardson Fine Art · @irisRichardson
1047 followers · 8602 posts · Server mastodon.art
Olivier B. · @olireiv
745 followers · 717 posts · Server zeroes.ca

I worry about all the data I give out that should not be made public, it's my freedom of thought.

Apps are sensors of my thoughts, the music I listen to, my interactions, where I am, my heart rate, how far I am from my phone, how long I sleep, how "focused" I am on my work, my interests, how sick I am, my fart frequency.

When we talk about we don't realise how much mental privacy we have left in the hands of vultures. Uncontrolled.

#freedomofexpression #majortom #freedomofthought #fot

Last updated 2 years ago

Claus Atzenbeck 🇪🇺 · @clausatz
85 followers · 60 posts · Server hci.social

The name “Future of Interface” sounds quite similar to “Future of Text” . Also, Vint Cerf is connected to both.

@foiworkshop & @frode, is there a connection between FoI and FoT?

#foi #fot

Last updated 2 years ago

Claus Atzenbeck 🇪🇺 · @clausatz
43 followers · 24 posts · Server hci.social
Alex · @alex_and_thee
57 followers · 77 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Not sure what it would take to find the folks in the fediverse. I'm sure a few are here. Into the void.

#fot #bestshow4life #bestshowwfmu #bestshowforlife

Last updated 2 years ago

pepemao · @pepemao
126 followers · 1257 posts · Server 101010.pl

"Ekonomia. Globalna gospodarka nie powinna być zależna od paliw kopalnych. Należy zmienić sposób myślenia o gospodarczych celach rozwoju – zamiast na budowie PKB"

Czeka nas ”niewyobrażalne cierpienie”. 11 tys. naukowców ogłasza: stan zagrożenia dla ludzkości - National Geographic

._Adobe Stock -ekologiczna

#fot #Aktualności #katastrofa #smog

Last updated 5 years ago