Das kennen wohl alle, die gerne Tiere in freier Wildbahn fotografieren.
#fotografie #eichhornchensagtnein #tierfotografie #fotofail
Da ich es gerade an anderer Stelle schon erwähnt habe, hier zwei Fotos, die ich so richtig vergeigt habe.
In Namibia haben wir genau einmal eine Löwin und ihren Nachwuchs vor die Linse bekommen. Recht weit weg, aber mit 400mm und Crop ging da was.
Und danach wunderte ich mich, über die kurzen Belichtungszeiten. Ich Depp hatte die Kamera noch auf ISO6400 stehen, von Nachtaufnahmen am Vorabend. Und dass mir, wo ich immer predige, Kontrolliere die Kameraeinstellungen.
#FotoFail time.
I was testing using a cheap camera body (EOS 600D) on my expensive birding lens setup this afternoon, to see if the APS-C sensor's 1.6x crop would help.
Alas, the poor focus tracking and sensor noise mean this difficult shot did not come out (bird is not in focus), and definitely would have if I'd been using my regular EOS 1DX body.
Cute pose on the Eastern Whipbird though.
#nature #AustralianWildlife #bird #fotofail
Time for a #FotoFail
This was very nearly a good shot of a Crimson Rosella in flight.
Missed the focus, and didn't pan quick enough.
When focus stacking goes wrong!
#stacking #fotofail #fotos #photography #photo
I dunno, your trying to take a photo of the branches on the top of a tree when one of Mr O'Learys taxies trundles past!
Taken this morning at Manchester Airport.
#fotofail #manchesterairport #ryanair #trees #photobomb
#photobomb #trees #ryanair #manchesterairport #fotofail
Playing around with settings more than trying to get a good picture. This long exposure came out looking like a horror movie scene to me though! #photo #photography #fotofail #photofail #longexposure
#longexposure #photofail #fotofail #photography #photo
This plane is promoting the Bahrain F1 GP - so it goes without saying, it's in pole position! :D
#WeeklyPhotoChallenge #FotoFail
Finalement le flou rend aussi bien la lumière et l'ambiance de cette fête. https://mamot.fr/media/SYCFQ2zQ1S6wflcs8wc
#weeklyphotochallenge #fotofail
First frame out of the camera again!
You would think I would learn.
from todays visit to the airport.
#fotofail #avgeek #photography #manchesterairport #hainanairlines #boeing787
#fotofail #avgeek #photography #manchesterairport #hainanairlines #boeing787
Note to self - always check the settings on your camera, especially if you were doing something out of the ordinary the last time you used it.
2 days earlier, I had been doing some indoor night-time photography, hence the high ISO and low shutter speed, resulting in this, the first frame, being massively over-exposed and out of focus.
Manchester Airport, Ryanair 737-800, 3rd May 2017.
#avgeek #fotofail