…sonniger Wolkenhimmel #Photography #FotoSamstag #Clouds
#photography #fotosamstag #clouds
Wieder #Prag , wieder #Sonnenuntergang . Aber heute habe ich mir meine 12 Jahre alte Kompakt #kamera geschnappt und nehme sie mit zur Arbeit.
Das Bild wurde in #GIMP ein wenig angepasst (Kurven, Sättigung, Schärfung). Benq GH200. #fotografie #fotosamstag
#fotosamstag #fotografie #gimp #kamera #sonnenuntergang #prag
Die Goldene Himbeere geht heute an:
Leute, die nicht verstehen, dass #Greenpeace & Co. nicht gegen sondern für den Erhalt des Planeten kämpfen.
Ist der Planet nicht mehr bewohnbar, gibt es auch keine Fischerei mehr.
Wenn es nur solche oder kleinere Fischerboote gäbe, würde es keine Überfischung der Meere geben.
#meertrifftland #fotosamstag #derplanetwehrtsich #greenpeace
I realize that it is difficult to predict the future, but it is more than possible that our current actions will lead to the destruction of the #Earth. The effects of our activities on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation and climate change, have the potential to cause significant damage to our planet. To prevent this, it is important that we are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and take steps to protect the Earth. This includes reducing resource consumption, promoting environmental protection and sustainability, and supporting initiatives to protect our planet.
#photography #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
#earth #photography #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
I realize that it is difficult to predict the future, but it is more than possible that our current actions will lead to the destruction of the #Earth. The effects of our activities on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation and climate change, have the potential to cause significant damage to our planet. To prevent this, it is important that we are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and take steps to protect the Earth. This includes reducing resource consumption, promoting environmental protection and sustainability, and supporting initiatives to protect our planet.
#photograghy #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
#earth #photograghy #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
I realize that it is difficult to predict the future, but it is more than possible that our current actions will lead to the destruction of the #Earth. The effects of our activities on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation and climate change, have the potential to cause significant damage to our planet. To prevent this, it is important that we are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and take steps to protect the Earth. This includes reducing resource consumption, promoting environmental protection and sustainability, and supporting initiatives to protect our planet.
#photograghy #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
#earth #photograghy #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
I realize that it is difficult to predict the future, but it is more than possible that our current actions will lead to the destruction of the #Earth. The effects of our activities on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation and climate change, have the potential to cause significant damage to our planet. To prevent this, it is important that we are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and take steps to protect the Earth. This includes reducing resource consumption, promoting environmental protection and sustainability, and supporting initiatives to protect our planet.
#photograghy #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection
#earth #photograghy #hungary #ungarn #fotografie #foto #fotosamstag #photosaturday #lifelessons #environmentalprotection