After Discipline Societies (Foucault) and Societies of Control (Deleuze), we are now facing the Societies of Regulation, where the means and their data-orientation matters the most. It seems to me that resistance could come only from those countries which didn't adopt the western way of life 100% yet.
#foucalt #deleuze #ideology #society
Due parole soltanto su sadomasochismo, potere, Foucault e Dubai porta potty
Ci sono persone non pornografiche e neanche romantiche, che sono costrette a sopportare abusi sessuali e sadomasochismo. Ci sono persone recluse psicologicamente, non patite del sesso né del sadomaso. Non vorrebbero una rel
#Attualità #Cioran #Dubai #Dubaiportapotty #Foucalt #Micropotere #Sadomasochismo
#Sadomasochismo #Micropotere #foucalt #Dubaiportapotty #dubai #cioran #attualità
I did read a cool article though:
"They had to be controlled, incorporated, and disciplined within institutions that regulate their behaviour and transform them into ‘proper’ moral citizens. The goal was to make them willingly submit to self-reform, to internalize the values of the people who were given the power to subjugate them, and who allegedly represented the voice of reason."