Domingos Faria · @dfaria
1105 followers · 367 posts · Server
Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
142 followers · 663 posts · Server


William 's notion of is often mentioned in this connection. It was later picked up by .

's takes some pains to side-step the superficial dichotomy between or and or .

Susan , for instance, tries to integrate them in her concept of .

Well, that's enough isms for one day ...

#foundherentism #haack #consensualism #coherentism #foundationalism #objectivism #pragmatism #Peirce #EOWilson #consilience #whewell

Last updated 2 years ago

Coney von 1Land · @Coney_von_1Land
93 followers · 922 posts · Server

Post-foundationalism departs from the assumption that there is no ground, necessity, or objective rationale for existence or action. The edited volume puts debates arising from the »spatial turn« in cultural and in a with post-foundational of space and place to devise post- as radical approach to .

#human #political #contemporary #social #sciences #dialogue #theories #foundationalism #urbanstudies

Last updated 2 years ago