George update:
He seems very happy to be stuck inside now. He’s shown no interest in trying to leave the den, where he’s been staying. The most displeasure he ever shows is when we stop petting him or leave the room.
Our little grey boy Saru has been nervously curious about George. Last night I had the den door open so they could see each other. George was very good and friendly, but Saru was still a little scared and ran when he approached.
Update: George is a neutered boy, even the vet had difficulty telling through his floofy pantaloons. He’s a senior, estimated at 10 to 12. He doesn’t have a microchip, so still no idea where his home may be. Unsurprisingly, he has fleas, he had been outside for at least a week, likely longer. So he will be getting a bath and all the kitties will be getting flea meds, we’ll also be spraying the den to kill any fleas down there.
Good news. Our normal vet, which is a mobile vet, should be able to swing by sometime today to check Georgie out and scan them. Honestly, I wasn't expecting them to be able to make the time on such short notice, but I'm very pleased they could. Acorn Mobile Vet is one of the best vets we've ever had.
Georgie is also very dirty and will be getting a bath later. For now the top priority is getting them to a vet to be scanned and checked out.
Hi folks, I'm trying to track down a person named Tobi Rose in Melbourne, AU.
I have been contacted by Epping Animal Welfare Facility regarding a cat I once fostered. I believe Tobi is the cat's current owner and have no contact details for them.
If you know Tobi Rose, please let them know to contact me or the shelter at Epping.
#LostAndFound #LostCat #FoundCat #LostPet #Melbourne #PleaseHelp
#lostandfound #lostcat #foundcat #lostpet #melbourne #pleasehelp
I’m absolutely delighted to report that Buster the #missingcat has returned home! After a mere 2 SODDING WEEKS on the run, he’s back home and, as you can see, has wasted no time in putting his paws up for a damn good sleep! Such fantastic news - it’s honestly made my whole week!! #cat #happyending #foundcat
#missingcat #cat #happyending #foundcat
Anyone recognise this #cat from this Facebook post? #Leeds #FoundCat
And PLEASE do not forget to update your #microchip information when your phone number or email changes!!
#cat #leeds #foundcat #microchip
Anyone recognise this #cat from this Facebook post? #Leeds #FoundCat
And PLEASE do not forget to update your #microchip information when your phone number or email changes!!
#cat #leeds #foundcat #microchip