#WAS #Coldplay sagt: 😃 :mastolove: :mastolove: :mastolove:
That is #THEPOWER of ? [#fff weedmob:#YOUaretheUNIVERSE #DUBISTdasUNIVERSUM #foundlove #onelove #humans #beings #hanf #hemp #cannabis #gerechtigkeit #something #someday #poweroflove
#Schattenfinanzen #UltimaRatio
#Lindner #Buschmann #SPD #Scholz #FDP #CSU #CDU #Merkel #Spahn #UltimaRatio #fincen #FinCENfiles #geldwäsche #moneylaundering #peoplenotprofit #antipro #prohibition #anslinger #betrug #FIU #Mafia ...]
#mafia #fiu #betrug #anslinger #prohibition #AntiPro #PeopleNotProfit #moneylaundering #geldwasche #FinCENfiles #FinCEN #spahn #merkel #cdu #csu #fdp #scholz #spd #Buschmann #lindner #UltimaRatio #schattenfinanzen #poweroflove #SOMEDAY #something #gerechtigkeit #cannabis #hemp #hanf #beings #humans #onelove #foundlove #DUbistdasUNIVERSUM #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #fff #thepower #Coldplay #was
I am #back in "#Paradise" #AndILoveYOU
#YOUaretheUNIVERSE #DUBISTdasUNIVERSUM #LostParadise #foundnewparadise #foundlove #onelove #humans #beings
I cry every time I hear it - so #symbolic for me - I can't tell... #Tears of #Happiness #YOU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G4isv_Fylg - Paradise (Official Video)
24.3M subscribers
1,648,444,794 views Oct 19, 2011 #Jin #Astronaut #Coldplay #Paradise #MyloXyloto
https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/109531698078173009 :mastolove: :mastolove: :mastolove: & #Weedmob & #globalFamily & #fff :mastolove:
#astronaut #fff #globalFamily #WeedMob #myloxyloto #Jin #Coldplay #you #happiness #tears #symbolic #beings #humans #onelove #foundlove #foundnewparadise #LostParadise #DUbistdasUNIVERSUM #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #andiloveyou #paradise #back
Lieber Harry, danke. Danke für Deinen Mut. Du hast für immer einen Platz in meinem Herzen und im Herzen derer die Dich brauchen. Jetzt hast Du gefunden wonach Du suchtest. Der Verlust den Du erlitten hast, war [und ist und bleibt] unendlich. So wie Ihre Liebe zu Dir. Sie wäre sehr sehr sehr stolz auf Dich, davon bin ich felsenfest überzeugt. Ich weiß das einfach. Danke my Duke 4ever :mastolove: 😍 👯
Danke 😃 https://twitter.com/sloetree
#weedmob #cannabis #healing #trauma #lostparadise #foundlove
#foundlove #LostParadise #trauma #healing #cannabis #WeedMob
@PublicChaffinch I like this very much - it makes me feel good ... :mastolove: :mastolove: :mastolove:
I am #back in "#Paradise" #Love #YOU
#YOUaretheUNIVERSE #DUBISTdasUNIVERSUM #paradise #LostParadise #foundnewparadise #foundlove #onelove #humans #beings
I cry every time I hear it - so #symbolic for me - I can't tell... #Tears of #Happiness
#Coldplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G4isv_Fylg - Paradise (Official Video)
24.3M subscribers
1,648,444,794 views Oct 19, 2011 #Coldplay #Paradise #MyloXyloto
#myloxyloto #Coldplay #happiness #tears #symbolic #beings #humans #onelove #foundlove #foundnewparadise #LostParadise #DUbistdasUNIVERSUM #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #you #love #paradise #back