The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am looking at the fountain pens I have inked for September 2023.
Join me to see which pens and inks are in my currently inked case.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing two red fountain pen inks from Diamine.
These are Diamine Red Dragon and Diamine Spiced Apple.
Join me to see how these inks compare and my thoughts on them.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #reddragon #spicedapple
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #reddragon #spicedapple
In this video I am looking at some starter fountain pens from Mainland China.
The pens are:
- Platinum Preppy + Lamy Crystal Obsidian
- Fountain Pen Revolution Darjeeling + Pelikan Edelstein Garnet
- Lamy Safari + Robert Oster Light Green
- Kaweco Sport + Diamine Yule Log
- TWSBI Eco + Robert Oster Orange
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am looking at my inked fountain pens for August 3023.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #inkedpens #edc #writing #writingtool
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #inkedpens #edc #writing #writingtool
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing Diamone Earl Grey and Diamine Ghost inks for fountain pens.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #inkvent #earlgrey #ghost #diamineearlgray #diamineearlgrey #diamineghost
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diamineink #inkvent #earlgrey #ghost #diamineearlgray #diamineearlgrey #DiamineGhost
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the Fuliwen 017 fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Diamine Celebration ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Fuliwen #Fuliwen017 #Fuliwen017 #Diamine #DiamineCelebration #Diamineinkvent
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Fuliwen #Fuliwen017 #diamine #diaminecelebration #Diamineinkvent
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am checking out the pens I have inked up at the start of July 2023
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the Visconti Breeze fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Diamine Red Dragon ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Visconti #ViscontiBreeze #Viscontipen #viscontibreeze #Viscontibreeze #Diamine #DiamineRed #DiamineDragon #diamine
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #visconti #viscontibreeze #viscontipen #diamine #Diaminered #diaminedragon
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the PenBBS 308 fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Cult Pens Deep Dark Green ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenAddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #PenBBS308 #PenBBS #PenBBS308 #Penbbs #penbbs #CultPens #CultPensGreen #diamine #Diamine
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpenaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #PenBBS308 #penbbs #CultPens #cultpensgreen #diamine
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing two inks from Diamine.
These are Oxblood and Writers Blood.
Join me now to see what I think about these fountain pen inks.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diaminecrimson #diaminered #diaminebloodoxblood #writersblood
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #diamine #diaminecrimson #Diaminered #diaminebloodoxblood #writersblood
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the HongDian Light of Hope fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Diamine Silent Night ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #HongDianLightofHope #HongDianBlackForest #HongDianHope #HongDianLight #Diamine #DiamineInkvent #DiamineSilentNight
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #hongdianlightofhope #hongdianblackforest #hongdianhope #hongdianlight #diamine #Diamineinkvent #diaminesilentnight
In this video I take a brief look at the Jinhao 85 Fountain Pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Autumn Oak ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhao85 #Jinhao85 #jinhao85 #Jinhao
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #jinhao85 #jinhao
@noa I’ve not heard of solid ink for #FountainPens but powder ink has been a thing. This thread at #fountainpennetwork is interesting
#fountainpens #fountainpennetwork
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing Pure Pens St Georges Cross and Waterman Audacious Red fountain pen ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #PurePens #purepens #purepensstgeorgescross #Waterman #waterman #WatermanAudaciousRed #watermanaudaciousred #watermanaudacious
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #PurePens #purepensstgeorgescross #waterman #watermanaudaciousred #watermanaudacious
pen model: Zephyr
material: Double Red Mono Swirl
nib: JoWo #6 Steel
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Small
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fpgeeks #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #estilográfica - #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #estilografica #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fpgeeks #fountainpen #penturning
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am taking a whistle stop tour through the notepads that I am currently using with my fountain pens.
I take a very quick look at each notepad and describe what I use it for.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #Notepad #Notebook #Notebook #Paper
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #notepad #notebook #paper
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am comparing Diamine Soft Mint with Robert Oster Tranquility.
Join me now to see what I think of these inks.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenGeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #RobertOster #RobertOsterSingnature #tranquillity #Teal #Green #Diamineink
#fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeek #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #robertoster #robertostersingnature #tranquillity #teal #green #diamineink
pen model: Epic
material: Illuminated Amber Tortoise
clip: Wide Modern in Silver
nib: #8 Steel Magna Carta
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Oversized
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please DM me or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume
#styloplume #estilografica #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
pen model: Literati Academe Dip Pen
with Cap
material: Customer provided
size: Medium
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please DM me or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #fpgeeks #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #styloplume #estilografica #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fpgeeks #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
RT BespokeBritish1: "If your dreams don't scare you then they are too small" -Richard Branson
-Conway Stewart Accountant's Pen
#conwaystewart #fountainpencommunity #penaddict #fountainpenlove #fpgeeks #fountainpen #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeeks #fountainpenink #fountainpenaddict
#conwaystewart #fountainpencommunity #penaddict #fountainpenlove #fpgeeks #fountainpen #fountainpennetwork #fountainpengeeks #fountainpenink #fountainpenaddict