I tried #FourActStructure plot pointing book 2 and failed miserably. I don’t know enough yet. Instead, I switched to a #Sanderson plotting method: writing down each story arc, then writing down the events, clues, and changes needed to resolve those arcs. With some additional #brainstorming I both learned more about my story and reached my wordcount.
1715 words today, bringing me to a total of 32745 words.
#brainstorming #Sanderson #fouractstructure
I have three main POV characters with their own arc. I could structure it so each is on a #FourActStructure with the beats hitting at the same time (or subsequent chapters). Or I could stagger them. Or go #polyrhythm and do overlapping three-, four- and five- act structures that have their own cadences but all come together at the end. That last one seems intriguing but I’m not sure if it’s too much math.
Anyone have thoughts?
#storystructure #multipov #polyrhythm #fouractstructure
1725 words today, bringing me to a total of 29358 words.
I spent the second half hammering out #FourActStructure beats for the primary character in the first book. It’s awesome that I have this now, a skeleton for the rest of the story. I’ll outline more in depth, plus I need to hammer out the other main characters’ stories. And the other books. But this is a good start.