Very thankful for all the donations we have gotten from the Four by Four compilation album. Thank you to Ribbon, Puppy Problems, First Passionate Frisbee Club, and Jesus the Dinosaur. Currently, the majority of our spending goes to propane. This contribution fills roughly 5 tanks of propane, which is how encampment residents stay warm. You can still pay what you can to purchase the album here: #FourByFour #DoItYourself #DIY #DIYBoston #BostonMusic #ServeThePeople #SurvivalProgram #EncampmentSupport #MutualAid
#fourbyfour #doityourself #DIY #diyboston #bostonmusic #servethepeople #SurvivalProgram #encampmentsupport #MutualAid
‘Four by Four’ is a new recording project from Tommy Ng and Sami Martasian. For each split, we record FOUR Boston musicians on a FOUR track, then release the recordings as a split to raise funds for our community and neighbors. This particular split benefits our org, Warm Up Boston! The musical artists featured on this release are Ribbon, Puppy Problems, First Passionate Frisbee Club, and Jesus the Dinosaur. We are extremely excited about this return to our roots as Warm Up Boston started its initial fundraising by creating a compilation album. We are thankful for all the musicians in the area finding ways to support their community’s needs. You can find the link to the split in our linktree in our bio. We hope you enjoy! #FourByFour #WarmUpBoston #ServeThePeople #SurvivalProgram #EncampmentSupport #MutualAid
#fourbyfour #WarmUpBoston #servethepeople #SurvivalProgram #encampmentsupport #MutualAid