The Onion: Norman Rockwell Museum Returns Looted Paintings To Africa #scoutinginpopularculture #laurienortonmoffatt #walkingtochurch #normanrockwell #fourfreedoms #warconflict #rockwell
#scoutinginpopularculture #laurienortonmoffatt #walkingtochurch #normanrockwell #fourfreedoms #warconflict #rockwell
The Onion: Norman Rockwell Museum Returns Looted Paintings To Africa #scoutinginpopularculture #laurienortonmoffatt #walkingtochurch #normanrockwell #fourfreedoms #warconflict #rockwell
#scoutinginpopularculture #laurienortonmoffatt #walkingtochurch #normanrockwell #fourfreedoms #warconflict #rockwell
The “Four Freedoms” of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941 and the “Four Freedoms” of U. S. Republicans in 2023. #111Words #JamelleBouie #FourFreedoms #Republicans #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt #Politics
#politics #franklindelanoroosevelt #republicans #fourfreedoms #jamellebouie #111words
Jamelle Bouie identifies four “freedoms” in Republican policies in the United States:
The freedom to control.
The freedom to exploit.
The freedom to censor.
The freedom to menace.
These “freedoms” are the "building blocks […] of a rigid and hierarchical [society], in which you can either dominate or be dominated."
#JamelleBouie #FourFreedoms #Freedom #RepublicanParty #Authoritarianism #HierarchicalSociety #Control #Exploitation #Censorship #Menace
#menace #censorship #exploitation #control #hierarchicalsociety #authoritarianism #republicanparty #freedom #fourfreedoms #jamellebouie
Some important reminders for #RejoinEU folk in this 🐦🧵- eg all changes have to benefit #EU and #Labour trying salami-slicing the #FourFreedoms will disappoint
#fourfreedoms #labour #eu #RejoinEU
Jan. 30th is #FDR's birthday - born in 1882.
Thinking about FDR #FourFreedoms: freedom *of* speech, freedom of worship, freedom *from* want, freedom from fear.
On this day, in 1941, FDR made his famous "Four Freedoms" speech. Eighty two years later these are still noble goals. #fourfreedoms
Freedom of speech
Freedom of worship
Freedom from want
Freedom from fear
Four Freedoms - Wikipedia
Für die politische Allgemeinbildung im gefühlt fortwährenden deutschen „Independence Day“-artigen Sprach- und Verständnissalat aus der Floskelwolke. #Roosevelt #FourFreedoms
This year’s #ReithLectures brilliantly tell the story of the #FourFreedoms
But what freedoms do we aspire to now?
Today my pamphlet argues for a new 21st century settlement - & why it’s time for the Left to reclaim Freedom from the right
This year’s #ReithLectures brilliantly tell the story of the #FourFreedoms
But what freedoms do we aspire to now?
Today my pamphlet argues for a new 21st century settlement - & why it’s time for the Left to reclaim Freedom from the right
FDR and WC roll up to the party, Christmas 1941 #werkend #lit #specialrelationship #fourfreeDOMS
#werkend #lit #specialrelationship #fourfreedoms
‘Freedom From Want’ iconic 1941 painting by Norman Rockwell, third of four paintings inspired by FD Roosevelt’s State of the Union address known as Four Freedoms.
Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Worship; Freedom from Want & Freedom from Fear.
Relevant today as ever.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our US friends and family.
#thanksgiving #fourfreedoms #freedonfromwant #normanrockwell #happythanksgivng
#thanksgiving #fourfreedoms #freedonfromwant #normanrockwell #happythanksgivng
Insight from teaching this week: the #14th Amendment and FDR’s #FourFreedoms are US values at their best. Many of the post-Reconstruction and post-Great Society problems can also be directly linked to how the Supreme Court and political dithering winnowed away those values. #historians #teaching #ussurvey
#ussurvey #teaching #historians #fourfreedoms #14th
Insight from teaching this week: the #14thAmendment and FDR’s #FourFreedoms are US values at their best. Many of the post-Reconstruction and post-Great Society problems can also be directly linked to how the Supreme Court and political dithering winnowed away those values. #historians #teaching #ussurvey
#ussurvey #teaching #historians #fourfreedoms #14thamendment
OK, in deinen Artikel geht es erstmal um die Befreiung/Emanzipation vom Überwachungskapitalismus. Das ist natürlich notwendig und "Open Source" ist auch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Vor allem ist das wichtig für Aktivisten, die ansonsten durch Zensur in den zentralisierten Medien unterdrückt werden.
Ich bin aber nicht deiner Meinung, dass "FS vs OSS" eine "Nerd Spitzfindigkeit" ist. Den meisten Nerds interessiert das wohl eher nicht (daher der neutrale Begriff "FOSS"). Das ist also eher eine "ideologische Spitzfindigkeit".
Ich finde, FS ist eine Philosophie, wie Software unabhängig vom Kapitalismus entwickelt werden kann: Jede*r gibt was wer kann. Auch kleine Beiträge sind wichtig, wie Testen, Übersetzung, Dokumentation. Man muss also nicht gleich ein Nerd sein, um bei FS mitzumachen. Die #FourFreedoms sind essentiell für eine freie Gesellschaft ohne Kapitalismus.