Hoping the other three don't live nearby...
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 'Knock at the Cabin’ Puts Gay Dads Through Hell at the End of the World https://jezebel.com/knock-at-the-cabin-door-review-1850071291 #Jezebel #fourhorsemenoftheapocalypse #ericjonathangroff #andrewbenaldridge #politicsbycountry #adrianeabbyquinn #knockatthecabin #nikkiamukabird #wenkristencui #paultremblay #davebautista #epistemology #rupertgrint #knowledge #thecabin #sabrina #leonard #qanon
#jezebel #fourhorsemenoftheapocalypse #ericjonathangroff #andrewbenaldridge #politicsbycountry #adrianeabbyquinn #knockatthecabin #nikkiamukabird #wenkristencui #PaulTremblay #DaveBautista #epistemology #rupertgrint #knowledge #thecabin #sabrina #leonard #qanon
On 6 January 1923, Dublin's Evening Herald published photos of Rex Ingram, "the Dublin-born producer of the great screen spectacle, the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,'" and Alice Terry, "who plays the part of Marguerite Laurier," to mark the film release.
#EarlyIrishCinema1923 #RexIngram #FourHorsemenoftheApocalypse #SilentFilm
#earlyirishcinema1923 #rexingram #fourhorsemenoftheapocalypse #silentfilm
Jan 3 1923: Dublin's La Scala offered Squibs Wins the Calcutta Sweep (UK: Welsh-Pearson, 1922), with Betty Balfour, and advertised the coming blockbuster The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (US: Metro, 1921). Images: Evening Herald, A Lost Film blog & IMDb. #EarlyIrishCinema1922 #BettyBalfour #FourHorsemenOfTheApocalypse
#earlyirishcinema1922 #bettybalfour #fourhorsemenoftheapocalypse