@vegafjord @charliejane Drug trade is one of the #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse. The similarity is not a coincidence.
@FuchsiaShock It has been true for practically all of my life that those resorting to the #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse should immediately be assumed to be lying or misrepresenting the truth for their own benefit.
I could count on one hand's fingers the times I can readily recall that weren't lies.
@PeterCxy If one's only reason to talk about children is to invoke the #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse, one might as well not do so at all. All one's doing is broadcasting one's dishonesty.
@JamieGC @jumbanho @mmasnick The #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse are never used in good faith.
They are an indicator of bad faith.
@troglodyt @tomo I'm having a very hard time thinking that the kompromat & absolute authority such surveillance apparatus would grant isn't really what she's after in the first place.
Especially since she's unironically invoking of the #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse.
They’re still trying to ban #cryptography
#backdoors #ukpoli #signal #CryptoMeansCryptography #GameTheory #censorship #surveillance #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse
#cryptography #backdoors #ukpoli #signal #cryptomeanscryptography #gametheory #censorship #surveillance #fourhorsemenoftheinfocalypse