I was wondering if there's a connection between a Fourier transform and a principal component analysis (PCA). My question was originally for 2D arrays.
I found this answer in Math Stack Exchange, but I think it's very sketchy. Does anyone know if this relation exists and a more detailed version? Thx. #fourier #statistics
analysis - What's the difference/connection between PCA and inverse Fourier transform? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
MDFourier – open-source Software To Compare Audio Signatures (2021)
#ycombinator #fourier #genesis #sega #mega_drive #audio #analysis #frequency_response
#ycombinator #fourier #genesis #sega #mega_drive #audio #analysis #frequency_response
Mitigating Real-World Distribution Shifts in the Fourier Domain
Kiran Krishnamachari, See-Kiong Ng, Chuan-Sheng Foo
Action editor: Hanie Sedghi.
#fourier #adaptation #datasets
Video Friday: #Fourier Intelligence
TIL that the #Fourier transform of a linear #chirp is a linear chirp (aka Gaussian with a purely imaginary argument), as explained by Howard E. Haber in this pdf http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~haber/ph215/Gaussian.pdf (see eq. 14) with a nice complex calculus demonstration.
Maddening. I spent far too long today browsing #nerd #stickers for my water bottle. Just on an off chance, I tried "#fourier" and found a really neat one!
The #math is wrong. It shows the sum as being a square wave but the actual series shown would be a sawtooth.
#nerd #stickers #fourier #math
Pseudo-Differential Neural Operator: Generalize Fourier Neural operator for Learning Solution Operators of Partial Differential Equations
A new CSI style #forensic chemistry paper to start the week. Hand-held analytical instruments such as #Fourier transform infrared and #Raman#spectroscopy are useful for taking samples in the field but lack sensitivity.
We show we can combine the data from FTIR and Raman to classify the method used to make the starting compounds needed to make for the drug #fentanyl.
Free access via https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1geA68nCdJ744-
#forensic #fourier #raman #fentanyl #ozchem #forensics #science #data
1.2.3. Sums and products. #Fourier is king but Euler introduced the sigma for summation around 1755.
#James #Webb #Telescope #pillars #nebula image after #Fourier #sequence #digitization
#digitization #sequence #fourier #nebula #pillars #telescope #Webb #james
Think DSP Digital Signal Processing in Python
(2016) : Downey, Allen B
url: https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-dsp/
#DSP #LTI_systems #convolution #filter #fourier #harmonics #noise #python #sound
#dsp #lti_systems #convolution #filter #fourier #harmonics #noise #python #sound #my_bibtex
Fourier Sensitivity and Regularization of Computer Vision Models
Kiran Krishnamachari, See-Kiong Ng, Chuan-Sheng Foo
#regularization #fourier #robustness
Fourier Sensitivity and Regularization of Computer Vision Models
#regularization #fourier #robustness
Fourier Sensitivity and Regularization of Computer Vision Models
#regularization #fourier #robustness
Fourier Sensitivity and Regularization of Computer Vision Models
#regularization #fourier #robustness