RT @BlaiseZebrataur
"I promise to be the best Zebra Master Mind of all time, so this November vote for Stripes!"
On this #Taursday, I officially throw my hat into the ballot to be your Zebra Master Mind.
#taursday #furry #zebrataur #stripedlife #fourlegs2020
RT @BlaiseZebrataur
"You never know what to expect in life, like sprouting more bodies and legs!"
On this #Taursday I'm happy to share my transformation to Zebrataurpede thanks to @Mozdoc
#taursday #furry #zebrataur #stripedlife #fourlegs2020
RT @TobiasFoxtail
"Good morning students. I am Professor Tobias Foxtail and welcome to Animation History in room A-113. Today we will be covering the #DisneyAfternoon and its impact on animated television programming in the late 1980's."
Artist: @ArtByPac
#Taursday #Foxtaur #FatTaur #FourLegs2020
#disneyafternoon #taursday #foxtaur #fattaur #fourlegs2020
RT @BlaiseZebrataur@twitter.activitypub.actor
On this #Taursday, always remember to believe in yourself, be honest with who you are and to always stay positive, even through the dark times and to always reach and fly toward your dreams.
#taursday #zebrataur #furry #stripedlife #fourlegs2020