We welcome you and all other missing-middle housing developers with open arms. My DMs are always open for neighborhood tips.
RT @HutchinsMatt@twitter.com
Heading to Spokane tonight to go look at properties for a build to rent fourplex. Putting skin in the game, and just slightly terrified. #fourplex #missingmiddle HB1110 would make this kind of small apartment buildingg legal just about anywhere in WA.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HutchinsMatt/status/1615190430441963521
The news from the #fourplex :
• Upstairs neighbro will be moving out; his unit is being shown.
• Yes, next-door kitty got away (which is indeed why I saw the live-trap on the porch) but she is now safely home!
The news from the #fourplex :
• Upstairs neighbro will be moving out; his unit is being shown.
• Yes, next-door kitty got away (which is indeed why I saw the live-trap on the porch) but she is now safely home!
RT @happifydesign@twitter.com: #fourplex
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/happifydesign/status/1002031724505780225
RT @stelepami@twitter.com: My #fourplex neighbor is fixing my raised garden bed for me! #4plexes4all #mpls2040
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/stelepami/status/1001976869820956672
#fourplex #4plexes4all #mpls2040
RT @elizabethraine@twitter.com: I didn't feel like going out tonight so instead I'm going to rant about the #fourplex issue because I'm sick of people being so tone deaf on it.