@Burtonbartijn Goeie tip! Ik was het al weer in allerlei systemen aan het oplossen.
Deze oplossing lag voor de hand (maar ik zag ‘m even niet). 🤭 #share #Swarm #Foursquare
@Burtonbartijn Mag ik vragen hoe jij je check-ins in je Mastodon-tijdlijn krijgt?
Ik heb al bij #IFTTT gekeken maar die doen niets met Mastodon (ook niets direct met #Swarm maar wel met #Foursquare).
算係終於寫咗出嚟,有興趣請自行參考。 #foursquare #swarm #mastodon #makedotcom
#makedotcom #mastodon #swarm #foursquare
#Foursquare oder #Swarm kennen nicht mehr viele. Bis vor kurzem konnte ich mich darüber an beliebigen Orten einchecken und das via Twitter der Welt mitteilen.
Mehr als eine Spielerei war es nicht, aber ich vermisse es, dass die Verbindung zu X nun nicht mehr funktioniert.
#foursquare レガシAPIのcheckinShortUrlにつくsパラメタが何意味しているかわからんのだよ
Something like #Foursquare #Swarm but for the Fediverse? #4sq
Anyone up to build it?
Happy 15th Anniversary, App Store! I was late to the iPhone party, so my first apps were fairly basic. I was obsessed with Foursquare, I loved checking in everywhere I went to, getting stickers and posting them on Twitter. It was so futuristic back in the early 10s. (Also I already used 2FA in 2022, woah) #appstore #apple #apps #foursquare #iphone #tech
#appstore #apple #apps #foursquare #iphone #tech
Got annoyed that one of our favourite #craftbeer bottle shops wasn't on #Untappd or #Swarm, so I logged in to #FourSquare and added it. It's been a while since I logged in there!
#craftbeer #untappd #swarm #foursquare
#yelp / #foursquare on the #fediverse. is this a thing? good idea? bad idea?
Here's something both surprising and a bit creepy. After having talked to you about it, and having never heard from them for like a decade....
#Foursquare apparently still lives!
@cliffwade @novalauncher I spot #FourSquare 😉
If we are playing the phone history game though -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD7n-ZHnLUY you are welcome....
Today, May 25, 2023 is the 12th anniversary of the day I joined #FourSquare. Is #4sq still a going thing, you may ask? Well, it's lost a bit of momentum since the heyday, but there's still an active community on the Swarm check-in app adding tips and photos to new venues every day.
I use it as a travel log and memory assistant. Next time I visit a city, I can look back and see where I went and what I enjoyed.
先週から10年ぶりくらいにFoursquareのメイヤーシップ復活させたんだけど、チェックインするたびにメイヤーを奪ってしまう😅 #Foursquare
Still my favorite #FourSquare tip I’ve ever written. #travel #airports #AirportFood
#foursquare #Travel #Airports #airportfood
Happy Foursquare Day! Am I the last person still using #Foursquare (I mean Swarm - I still call it by the old name, years after they spun off the checking) I'm at Rose Art Museum in Waltham, MA https://www.swarmapp.com/teaperson/checkin/643c4164d5eecd1282d6fe91?s=JYfzS4BWq-QOiJcYHul-Kb1H0_M
Yes I've used SwarmApp, but just wasn't the same to earn "stickers" than badges and unlocking cities and transportation badges were far more interesting. #Foursquare
For the old Xennials, Happy #Foursquare Day y'all! Where there was a time wandering around cities and travel was a must to earn those coveted badges and mayorships.
Netizens of a certain age (the age to remember the word "netizens") may recall #Gowalla, the beautiful location-based social network that predated #Foursquare but was swallowed up and shut down by FB.
Well, Gowalla is back! Check it out here: https://gowalla.com/invites/rBUbZ9HLa0N-Xvn-3LLQd