I am sorry to inform you that... applications to enter the 2024 Hong Kong Four Trails Ultra Challenge are now open: https://linktr.ee/hk4tuc
🚨 Note the dates: Friday 9th to Monday 12th February 2024 (LNY Eve to Third Day of LNY / 年三十至年初三) 🚨
RT @b3108
@tripperhead @ben_lee @willhayward_nz A further screening of #FOURTRAILS will be on Thursday 16 March at 6:15pm at The Hive Sai Kung. Only 60 seats available.
🎟️ https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/four-trails-tickets-518712171067?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete
Not exactly where I was expecting to see the fourth public screening of #FOURTRAILS…
RT @fcchk
On Feb 20, join us for a screening of "Four Trails", which takes a deep dive into the famous four trails that make up the the Hong Kong Four Trails Ultra Challenge, and follows the stories of those who dare attempt such a feat. https://www.fcchk.org/event/club-screening-four-trails-stories-of-those-who-dare-attempt-hong-kongs-most-icon…