summer again
walking hand in hand
then I wake
In every dystopian, post-pandemic novel I’ve read, the disease killed off a large portion of the populace in a very short period. Plot twist: a slow burn fueled by willful ignorance seems to be what’s actually happening. What variant are we on now? XBB 1.5? #FourYears #NursesAreTired #MaskUp #ThinkAboutOtherPeople
#fouryears #nursesaretired #maskup #thinkaboutotherpeople
'30534' நான்கு ஆண்டுகளில் டிரம்ப் கூறிய பொய்களின் எண்ணிக்கை #TrumpBanned #lies #fouryears #30534lies #TrumpIsACompleteFailure
#TrumpIsACompleteFailure #30534lies #fouryears #lies #TrumpBanned