@incitatus @JorgeStolfi A filing cabinet? In my day we were lucky to have a drawer! #FourYorkshiremen 😂
If you tell that to the youth of today ... they won't know what the Hell you are on about. (-:
I have such fond memories of rolling this out as an improv bit in public with my mates Marty & Thomas. Invariably, the game would end when someone took it back to “primordial ooze,” after four or five rounds. https://youtu.be/DT1mGoLDRbc #MontyPython #GrahamChapman #JohnCleese #MartyFeldman #TimBrookeTaylor #FourYorkshiremen
#montypython #GrahamChapman #johncleese #MartyFeldman #timbrooketaylor #fouryorkshiremen
I have such fond memories of rolling this out as an improv but in public with my mates Marty & Thomas. Invariably, the game would end when someone took it back to “primordial ooze,” after four or five rounds. https://youtu.be/DT1mGoLDRbc #MontyPython #GrahamChapman #JohnCleese #MartyFeldman #TimBrookeTaylor #FourYorkshiremen
#montypython #GrahamChapman #johncleese #MartyFeldman #timbrooketaylor #fouryorkshiremen
@cymplecy @ukscone @aallan In my young days we couldn't afford hashtags. #FourYorkshireMen
@grumpysmiffy the before times. And of course there was the before before times with floppies and cassettes