Joan & John Mastodon news directive for all #MastodonMigration newbies.
You're not in #FowlLand ANYMORE!
You're now in the Land Of Color!
The Land of Oz!
Put your learning hats on!
(Search for learning tutorials)
You're in the land of:
#mastodonmigration #fowlland #joanmastodon #johnmastodon #antibillionares #democracy #wokeville #anti #antimaga #noscreamers #NoAlgorithms #noadvertising #FuckElonMusk #NotKansasAnyMore
#Joan&JohnMastodon news directives: For all #MastodonMigration newbies.
Please do not follow screamers. Their follower numbers do not match numbers of who they follow. That's an anathema here.
It's un-democratic and anti-social. It's forbidden here.
Those NOT be followed here:
And, any others wanting screamer numbers.
If you want to follow them, DO IT VIA #๏ธโฃ hashtag following. figure it out. This ain't #FowlLand.
#joan #mastodonmigration #fowlland