So has 192 active users, very well. One is enjoying it. Sorry if I was too much a presence. By now I've shared a few things from earlier incarnation on the #fowlsite
Had to tell two people today picking between the #FowlSite and #Threads was basically no different than picking between #FakeBoneSpurs and #DeSatan. All are evil. I’m so happy at #Mastodon and the #Fediverse. Never going back to oligarchs. And tip your hosts/mods. Many let you donate via Patreon. For mine, thanks #Stux and Washy
#stux #Fediverse #Mastodon #desatan #fakebonespurs #threads #fowlsite
This site has been fundamentally changed by its new owner and the changes in the algorithm it applies. So I (small potatoes) am basically off it. In what universe would I want to subscribe to the racist, authoritarian-supporting troll, Ian Miles Cheong? And the Babylon Bee? WTF. Buh-bye #fowlsite.
I'm watching the Aus version of #Alone and, just out of interest, I pop over to the #Fowlsite for a rare visit, just to see the comments.
There were a few expressing admiration for some contestants, but most were just mocking. This is from people sitting fat and sassy on their couches eating dinner in comfort.
It really summed up the #fowlsite for me: a place where people go to mock and deride. I know it's just a reality tv show, but the participants are genuinely having confrontational experiences and, in some cases, highly stressed, and though they must have had some idea what they were signing up for, no one knows how they will act in advance under such conditions. There's no need for viewers to be quite so contemptuous.
But that's #BirdSite for you.
@SpockResists I haven’t been on the #FowlSite for several weeks, what happened now?
@debihope Other names I've seen (or want to see) include #FowlSite, the #MuskianHellscape and #Guano
#fowlsite #muskianhellscape #guano
If you like to repost content from the #FowlSite here, a gentle suggestion: post a screenshot of the tweet you want to share (with alt text) or copy and paste the full text, with attribution, into a post. Please don't just drop a link back to the Muskian hellscape with no other information. Most of us came here in the first place because we're done with #Twitter and don't wish to be dragged back there. Thanks.
I've had to undergo several phlebotomy sessions in the last year to get rid of iron overload in my liver.
Something similar is happening to my psyche as I spend more time on Mastodon and stop visiting the #FowlSite (these days I no longer participate, it's just the occasional looky-loo). It's helped me recognize just how much poison overload that site foisted on me, and how much better I feel as I continue to purge it all.
Hopefully this isn’t a trend, but just blocked my first really negative anti-Thirteenth (and Fourteenth) Doctor account. It really hope this place stays nice for #doctorwho fans. Not like the #fowlsite.
Ahoy #PalsPorch. Remember to follow the hashtag and to make your checkins both here and on #FowlSite. Getting lonely talking to myself here.
And same for you, #ZSHQ make yer check-ins
New arrivals can only find you if yer posting. Lurkers fade into obscurity by design.
So post and use your affinity and topic hashtags. Don't spam hashtags at the end. Use them in context.
I've locked my #FowlSite account, but occasionally do a drive-by. More and more these days, it feels like taking a dip in raw sewage. I go here to get clean again.
Sorry if I tracked in any muck.
A few older relatives who never used the #FowlSite: Why does this bother you so much? It's not like we NEED social media.
Me: Yes, but we don't NEED traffic lights either. Now imagine if some billionaire brat bought up the whole system of traffic lights in your town and shut down all the yellow lights, or set them all to flashing green, just for funsies or to cause chaos.
Older relatives: ...oh.
I encourage ppl to make their follows/following lists public for a week or two to help folks rebuild their #fowlsite networks.
What's the downside?
My situation: I locked my #fowlsite acct & salted the ground. Erasing everyone I followed limits the temptation to visit & return wld require major re-networking. I'd rather do that here
I've created a sock puppet Post account for political rants, but Post overly reminds me of Facebook, which I deleted in 2011. I won't stay long
Conundrum: #ProjectMushroom, which aligns well w my climate activist leanings. I'll probably keep it & try to focus more on #Science, sans the rage
What about you?
#science #projectmushroom #fowlsite