India’s efforts to become a global manufacturing hub for technology hardware are gaining momentum as the government’s ....
#Apple #Dell #HP #India #PMmodi #Foxconn #Financial #ManufacturingHub #AshwiniVaishnaw
#apple #dell #hp #india #pmmodi #foxconn #financial #manufacturinghub #ashwinivaishnaw
01 Net: Le fondateur de Foxconn se présente pour diriger Taïwan avec une position tranchée #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #électionprésidentielle #Actualités #États-Unis #politique #Foxconn #Taiwan #Chine
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #electionpresidentielle #actualites #etats #Politique #foxconn #Taiwan #chine
More on Foxconn’s empty buildings and empty promises. #foxconn #foxconned #Wisconsin #scottwalker #robinvos #mountpleasant
#mountpleasant #RobinVos #scottwalker #wisconsin #foxconned #foxconn
Foxconn verkauft zwei leere "Innovation Centers" in Wisconsin
Die Liste gebrochener Versprechen ist lang: Weder gibt es 2 LCD-Fabriken in Wisconsin, noch 5 Innovation Centers. Auch die Uni wartet noch auf ihre Spende.
#DonaldTrump #Foxconn #Politik #Subventionen #Wirtschaft #news
#donaldtrump #foxconn #politik #subventionen #wirtschaft #news
@CassandraZeroCovid @nilay_patel Yes, they innovatively grabbed Wisconsin taxpayer money. Thanks #scottwalker and #RobinVos #foxconn #foxconned
#foxconned #foxconn #RobinVos #scottwalker
Gizmodo: Foxconn Selling Two Empty Wisconsin Buildings After Failed Promises to Bring Jobs to the State #thetrumporganization #foxconninwisconsin #economyofwisconsin #eauclairewisconsin #foxconnsuicides #ericgenrich #donaldtrump #jeffmirkes #aaronwhite #terrygou #foxconn #woo
#thetrumporganization #foxconninwisconsin #economyofwisconsin #eauclairewisconsin #foxconnsuicides #ericgenrich #donaldtrump #jeffmirkes #aaronwhite #terrygou #foxconn #woo
With #TerryGou entering the presidential "race" (aka #election) in #Taiwan, there are three candidates now arguing how to best appease #china:
Gou has massive business interest in China with Hon Hai and #Foxconn.
#KoWenye blabbers on about one family on two sides of the Straight (domestic abuse issues seem obvious in said *family*).
And #HouYuih as the #KMT's official candidate advocating for smooth relations traditionally.
Bunch of submissive muppets!
#terrygou #election #taiwan #china #foxconn #kowenye #houyuih #kmt
🇹🇼 Taïwan: Le fondateur de Foxconn candidat à la présidentielle 📰
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #Taiwan #Presidentielle2024 #TerryGou #Foxconn
#revuedepresse #politique #international #taiwan #Presidentielle2024 #terrygou #foxconn
Foxconn founder Terry Gou announces run for Taiwan presidency | Reuters
>Gou stepped down as #Foxconn chief in 2019 and made a presidential bid that year, but dropped out after he failed to win the nomination for Taiwan's main opposition party, the #Kuomintang #KMT, which traditionally favours close ties with China. #China #Taiwan #ROC
#roc #Taiwan #China #kmt #Kuomintang #foxconn
"#Foxconn appears to be the exclusive maker of Nvidia's compute GPU modules, such as the A100, A800, H100, and H800"
#Unternehmen #GrößteArbeitgeber #Employees #Walmart #Foxconn #Amazon #VolkswagenGroup #Volkswagen #IndianRailways #Acdenture #Arbeitsbedingungen #Kritik #Großkonzerne #Niedrigsteuerländer #Gewinnsteuer #Arbeitende sind #Arbeitgeber, nicht umgekehrt.
Die größten Unternehmen der Welt nach Beschäftigtenzahl* (Statista + Kurzkommentar: Schwerpunkt VW, Walmart, Foxconn) | Briefing 279 | Wirtschaft
#unternehmen #großtearbeitgeber #employees #walmart #foxconn #amazon #volkswagengroup #volkswagen #indianrailways #acdenture #arbeitsbedingungen #kritik #großkonzerne #niedrigsteuerlander #gewinnsteuer #arbeitende #arbeitgeber
»#iPhonemaker #Foxconn’s cautious pivot to India shows limits of #Chinaplusone: #Apple supplier still relies on Chinese plants for 75% of global operations.« #tech #media
#iphonemaker #foxconn #chinaplusone #Apple #tech #media
iPhone maker Foxconn’s cautious pivot to India shows limits of ‘China plus one’ | Financial Times
>Multinationals’ desire for a “China plus one” strategy, following supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions between Washington and Beijing, is driving #Foxconn into a renewed push into #India, where it first invested 15 years ago but where it still only employs some 50,000 of its 1mn global workforce. #Iphone #apple #AAPL #China
#China #aapl #Apple #iPhone #India #foxconn
Less than three months after it broke ground for its accessories manufacturing facility in Telangana, Taiwanese electronics contract manufacturer Foxconn Group has announced the infusion of another Rs 3,300 crore in its upcoming unit. With this, the group's total investment in Telangana will be more than Rs 4,550 crore.
#Foxconn #Telangana
Less than three months after breaking ground for its accessories manufacturing facility in Telangana, Taiwanese electronics contract manufacturer Foxconn Group is quickly beefing up its investment in the Telangana facility.
#Foxconn #Telangana
Gizmodo: Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Google's Pixel Fold Cost the Same, but They're Very Different Devices #samsunggalaxyzseries #samsunggalaxyzfold4 #foldablesmartphones #samsunggalaxyzfold5 #foldablesmartphone #technologyinternet #googletensorg2 #samsunggalaxy #mobilephones #tensorg2chip #googlepixel #pixeltablet #samsungdex #smartphone #pixelfold #qualcomm #samsung #foxconn #google #pixel #oneui #adobe #bixby
#samsunggalaxyzseries #samsunggalaxyzfold4 #foldablesmartphones #samsunggalaxyzfold5 #foldablesmartphone #technologyinternet #googletensorg2 #samsunggalaxy #mobilephones #tensorg2chip #googlepixel #pixeltablet #samsungdex #smartphone #pixelfold #qualcomm #samsung #foxconn #google #pixel #oneui #adobe #bixby
E-Bus-Hersteller Proterra ist insolvent
Proterra, Hersteller elektrischer Autobusse und Lieferant von Akkus und Ladestationen für Schwerfahrzeuge ist zahlungsunfähig. Der Betrieb geht vorerst weiter.
#Akku #Börse #Elektroauto #Elektromobilität #Finanzen #Foxconn #Geschäftszahlen #news
#akku #borse #elektroauto #elektromobilitat #finanzen #foxconn #geschaftszahlen #news
Apple besorgt sich KI-Server made in Vietnam
Offenbar meint es der iPhone-Hersteller ernst mit seiner KI-Initiative: Für "Apple GPT" und andere Systeme sollen größere Server-Stückzahlen angeschafft werden.
#Apple #Foxconn #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Server #Spracherkennung #news
#apple #foxconn #kunstlicheintelligenz #server #spracherkennung #news