Trump Returns to the Service Formerly Known as Twitter - Absent for more than two years, former President Donald J. Trump posted his mug shot on t... - #stormingoftheuscapitol(jan2021) #truthsocial(socialnetwork) #computersandtheinternet #newsandnewsmedia #foxnewschannel #trumpdonaldj #socialmedia #muskelon #twitter
#twitter #muskelon #socialmedia #trumpdonaldj #foxnewschannel #newsandnewsmedia #computersandtheinternet #truthsocial #stormingoftheuscapitol
Tucker Carlson’s Text That Alarmed Fox: ‘It’s Not How White Men Fight’ - The discovery of the text message contributed to a chain of events that ultimately led to... - #suitsandlitigation(civil) #dominionvotingsystemscorp #newsandnewsmedia #libelandslander #foxnewschannel #foxcorporation #textmessaging #carlsontucker #newyorktimes #whites
#whites #newyorktimes #carlsontucker #textmessaging #foxcorporation #foxnewschannel #libelandslander #newsandnewsmedia #dominionvotingsystemscorp #suitsandlitigation
As Carlson and Lemon Exit, a Chapter Closes on Cable’s Trump War - The two hosts took very different approaches, but the decisions by Fox News and CNN to sh... - #lichtchristophera(1971-) #newsandnewsmedia #cabletelevision #foxnewschannel #carlsontucker #grossbergabby #television #lemondon #cnn
#cnn #lemondon #television #grossbergabby #carlsontucker #foxnewschannel #cabletelevision #newsandnewsmedia #lichtchristophera
New Yorker: The Stunning End of Dominion’s Case Against Fox News #NewYorker #News/AnnalsofCommunications #FoxNewsChannel #RupertMurdoch #ElectionFraud #2020Election #DonaldTrump #Lawsuits #Media
#newyorker #news #foxnewschannel #rupertmurdoch #electionfraud #2020election #donaldtrump #lawsuits #media
Fox Will Pay $787.5 Million to Settle Dominion Defamation Suit - The settlement with Dominion Voting Systems was the latest extraordinary twist in a case ... - #dominionvotingsystemscorp #suitsandlitigation(civil) #rumorsandmisinformation #foxbusinessnetwork #libelandslander #foxnewschannel #murdochrupert #davisericm #delaware
#delaware #davisericm #murdochrupert #foxnewschannel #libelandslander #foxbusinessnetwork #rumorsandmisinformation #suitsandlitigation #dominionvotingsystemscorp
Judge Delays Fox and Dominion Trial by a Day - Opening statements in the $1.6 billion defamation case against Fox News were set to begin... - #firstamendment(usconstitution) #presidentialelectionof2020 #suitsandlitigation(civil) #dominionvotingsystemscorp #rumorsandmisinformation #foxbusinessnetwork #newsandnewsmedia #libelandslander #foxcorporation #foxnewschannel #votingmachines #murdochrupert #trumpdonaldj
#trumpdonaldj #murdochrupert #votingmachines #foxnewschannel #foxcorporation #libelandslander #newsandnewsmedia #foxbusinessnetwork #rumorsandmisinformation #dominionvotingsystemscorp #suitsandlitigation #presidentialelectionof2020 #firstamendment
Attacks on Dominion Voting Persist Despite High-Profile Lawsuits - Unproven claims about Dominion Voting Systems still spread widely online. - #presidentialelectionof2020 #suitsandlitigation(civil) #dominionvotingsystemscorp #voterfraud(electionfraud) #rumorsandmisinformation #computersandtheinternet #conspiracytheories #newsandnewsmedia #libelandslander #votingmachines #foxnewschannel #lindellmike
#lindellmike #foxnewschannel #votingmachines #libelandslander #newsandnewsmedia #conspiracytheories #computersandtheinternet #rumorsandmisinformation #voterfraud #dominionvotingsystemscorp #suitsandlitigation #presidentialelectionof2020
Fox News Suffers Major Setback in Its Defamation Case - The judge said the case would still need to proceed to trial, for a jury to weigh whether... - #voterfraud(electionfraud) #suitsandlitigation(civil) #dominionvotingsystemscorp #courtsandthejudiciary #decisionsandverdicts #freedomofthepress #libelandslander #foxnewschannel #votingmachines #trumpdonaldj
#trumpdonaldj #votingmachines #foxnewschannel #libelandslander #freedomofthepress #decisionsandverdicts #courtsandthejudiciary #dominionvotingsystemscorp #suitsandlitigation #voterfraud
Inside the 3 Months That Could Cost Fox $1.6 Billion - The decision by Fox News executives in November 2020 to treat the more hard-right Newsmax... - #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #stormingoftheuscapitol(jan2021) #dominionvotingsystemscorp #computersandtheinternet #pollsandpublicopinion #foxbusinessnetwork #newsandnewsmedia #foxcorporation #foxnewschannel #newsmaxmedia #television
#television #newsmaxmedia #foxnewschannel #foxcorporation #newsandnewsmedia #foxbusinessnetwork #pollsandpublicopinion #computersandtheinternet #dominionvotingsystemscorp #stormingoftheuscapitol #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment
Fox’s P.R. Woes May Not Directly Translate to Legal Ones - Some of the unflattering private messages among the network’s hosts and executives may ne... - #suitsandlitigation(civil) #newsandnewsmedia #newscorporation #libelandslander #murdochlachlan #foxnewschannel #foxcorporation #murdochrupert
#murdochrupert #foxcorporation #foxnewschannel #murdochlachlan #libelandslander #newscorporation #newsandnewsmedia #suitsandlitigation
Another mass shooting. No gun legislation from the GOP. They don't care. Only if it affects them personally will they act. I guess J6 doesn't count for them.
#democracyoutloud #foxnewschannel #gopfailedamerica #gunreformnow #gunreform
So now the Climate Police are trying to indoctrinate Xbox gamers? #foxnewschannel #giveitarest #idiots
#idiots #giveitarest #foxnewschannel
No word from the DOJ on arresting the GOP leaders. The GOP is silent
#democacywins #gopfailedamerica #foxnewschannel
An Alternate Reality: How Russia’s State TV Spins the Ukraine War - Leaked emails detail how Russia’s biggest state broadcaster, working with the nation’s se... - #russianinvasionofukraine(2022) #computersandtheinternet #politicsandgovernment #newsandnewsmedia #foxnewschannel #putinvladimirv #rt(tvnetwork) #carlsontucker #television #propaganda #russia #e-mail
#e #russia #propaganda #television #carlsontucker #rt #putinvladimirv #foxnewschannel #newsandnewsmedia #politicsandgovernment #computersandtheinternet #russianinvasionofukraine
An Alternate Reality: How Russia’s State TV Spins the Ukraine War - Leaked emails detail how Russia’s biggest state broadcaster, working with the nation’s se... - #russianinvasionofukraine(2022) #computersandtheinternet #politicsandgovernment #newsandnewsmedia #foxnewschannel #putinvladimirv #rt(tvnetwork) #carlsontucker #television #propaganda #russia #e-mail
#e #russia #propaganda #television #carlsontucker #rt #putinvladimirv #foxnewschannel #newsandnewsmedia #politicsandgovernment #computersandtheinternet #russianinvasionofukraine
Murdoch’s Outlets, Including Fox News, Extend Criticism of Trump - For a second consecutive day, the recriminations about Republicans’ unexpectedly weak Ele... - #rumorsandmisinformation #midtermelections(2022) #wallstreetjournal #newsandnewsmedia #foxnewschannel #murdochlachlan #murdochrupert #trumpdonaldj #newyorkpost
#newyorkpost #trumpdonaldj #murdochrupert #murdochlachlan #foxnewschannel #newsandnewsmedia #wallstreetjournal #midtermelections #rumorsandmisinformation
Patience, Please! Networks Urge Caution on a Chaotic Midterm Night. - “Wait for more votes,” warned CNN’s John King, as wary anchors tried to avoid any predict... - #electionshouseofrepresentatives #midtermelections(2022) #hayeschris(1979-) #newsandnewsmedia #electionssenate #cbscorporation #foxnewschannel #blitzerwolf #television #tapperjake #baierbret #abcinc #cnn
#cnn #abcinc #baierbret #tapperjake #television #blitzerwolf #foxnewschannel #cbscorporation #electionssenate #newsandnewsmedia #hayeschris #midtermelections #electionshouseofrepresentatives