Legal experts: John Eastman "literally just confessed to the crime" in Fox News interview - "He’s admitting to committing federal crimes on national television," says law professor Anthony Michael Kreis
#JohnEastmanCrime #FoxNewsInterview #FederalCrimes #NationalTelevision #LegalExperts #Confession #Politics #News
#johneastmancrime #foxnewsinterview #federalcrimes #nationaltelevision #legalexperts #confession #politics #news
Trump stumbles when Fox host tells him his plan to execute drug offenders would include people he pardoned
#Independent #TrumpDrugPolicy #DeathPenaltyDebate #PardonedOffenders #FoxNewsInterview #CriminalJusticeReform #DrugAddictionTreatment #Politics #News
#independent #trumpdrugpolicy #deathpenaltydebate #pardonedoffenders #foxnewsinterview #criminaljusticereform #drugaddictiontreatment #politics #news
Fox confronts Trump with lengthy list of aides he appointed – and then turned on
#IndependentNews #TrumpAppointments #FoxNewsInterview #WhiteHouseAides #PoliticalBacklash #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumpappointments #foxnewsinterview #whitehouseaides #politicalbacklash #uspolitics #politics #news
Trump incriminated himself on Fox tonight
#MSNBC #TrumpIncrimination #FoxNewsInterview #ImpeachmentEvidence #LegalAnalysis #PresidentialMisconduct #Politics #News
#msnbc #trumpincrimination #foxnewsinterview #impeachmentevidence #LegalAnalysis #presidentialmisconduct #politics #news