it’s time for Fox News to be unplugged from all military bases around the world. Help me fight disinformation. #StopFundingFoxNews
#RepublicansAreSellOuts #FoxNewsIsRussianPropaganda
#stopfundingfoxnews #stoprussiainvasion #republicansaresellouts #foxnewsisrussianpropaganda #unplugfoxnewsfrommitarybases
@callan @APBBlue it’s going to be bad. It’s not Tucker--he was a pawn it’s Russia. They’re controlling the levers of anger and hate within America. For us, it’s our lives. It’s not some arbitrary bullshit. For the “elites” it’s about power and taxes. Fox News is the propaganda sewer pipeline pumping anger and hate into our homes and aiming for our loved ones and then onto us. We have to stop Fox News! #WeAreTheGuardrails #FoxNewsIsRussianPropaganda
#wearetheguardrails #foxnewsisrussianpropaganda
@heidilifeldman so the judge is supposed to believe >this time < their lies were NOT intentionally done to further cover their ASSETS? #FoxNewsIsRussianPropaganda #foxnewsshit
#foxnewsisrussianpropaganda #foxnewsshit