Fox News was omnipresent in nearly every base PX and restaurant I visited when doing civilian contractor work for the USMC in the 2000s. It's bullshit, and it needs to stop. #deportrupertmurdoch #foxnewsliesallthetime
#deportrupertmurdoch #foxnewsliesallthetime
I have to admit that Fox News radicalized me ... to be even more Progressive than I already was. #votebluetosavedemocracy #foxnewsliesallthetime
#votebluetosavedemocracy #foxnewsliesallthetime
@georgetakei Trouble with our legal system was that on civil matters too easy to just pay to get out of blame and TORT. #FoxNewsLiesAllTheTime so, make them pay a lot.
When Tucker Carlson lies to Fox News audience’s, it would be sweet if someone could alter (hack) the chyron below his big head to say “Tucker Carlson is LYING to you! Wake up!”