Famous Chef #FoxRedYellaJack is hosting a big dinner party for his #grandpawrents tonight and some of their friends, so he is definitely #RESSING now… His sous chefs are hard at work already!
#foxredyellajack #grandpawrents #ressing #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack relaxing on the #Veranda of his #SouthernEstate…
#foxredyellajack #veranda #southernestate #longwayfromchicago #toomanybirdsounds #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack says Imma keep sleepin!
#foxredyellajack #dayofrest #nopenottimeyet #comfybedatgrandmashouse #dogsofmastodon #dogstodon
#FoxRedYellaJack anxiously awaiting his #Americano from #Starbys … Ain’t nobody driving to grandma’s without they coffee!
#foxredyellajack #americano #starbys #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack survived the first day of driving to visit his #grandpawrents - but he’s a tired boy! Thank you #HyattPlaceLexington for the comfy beds!
#foxredyellajack #grandpawrents #hyattplacelexington #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack chilled out in his sunshines…
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon #finallyspringhassprung
#foxredyellajack #friyay #pineappleupsidedowndog #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack and new bestie Sam the GSD have a cordial showdown over a ball so gross and muddy you can barely see it…
#foxredyellajack #labdreamcometrue #mondog #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack can’t EVEN in this endless, bottomless Thursday…
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
My #FoxRedYellaJack approves! Play ball!1
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
Stop the walkings! #FoxRedYellaJack has found a stick and it must be destroyed!
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
That’s it. I’m not getting out of bed today until #FoxRedYellaJack does… #GoodNight everybody!
#foxredyellajack #goodnight #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon #earlytorisemyass
#FoxRedYellaJack at the end of a long, eventful day chasing tennis balls…
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack is weary after his esshausting day of napping…
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack is wary of going “outside” and getting the dreaded #FrozePaws even if it means playing in his favorite snow!
#foxredyellajack #frozepaws #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack not concerned with accumulating snowfall - he has #People for that!
#foxredyellajack #people #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
As long as you’re comfortable, #FoxRedYellaJack …
#foxredyellajack #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
#FoxRedYellaJack modeling his winter sportswear look — he loves it cuz it means, #Outside playtime!
#foxredyellajack #outside #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
I’m joining in #ThreeGoodThings today, inspired by @Saralup.
1. Our electric kettle which makes steaming hot tea almost as fast as I can think of it.
2. My dog #FoxRedYellaJack who couldn’t care less that it’s grey and gross outside.
3. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich and potato chips I’m about to have for lunch1
What are your three? #JoinIn #ThreeGoodThings #reasonstobecheerful
#threegoodthings #foxredyellajack #joinin #reasonstobecheerful
#FoxRedYellaJack thinking #BigThoughts about life and everything… Also, when will it stop raining all the time?!
#foxredyellajack #bigthoughts #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon