#CallForPapers for a special issue of the Journal of Functional Programming on Program Calculation: "The idea of program calculation, in which programs are derived from specifications using equational reasoning techniques, has been a topic of interest in functional programming since its earliest days.. The aim of this special issue is to document advances that have been made in the field of program calculation in recent years" https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-functional-programming/announcements/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-program-calculation #JFP #FP
I'm turning kleisli into a verb so we can have its gerund, kleisliing.
Ex: "That's bad kleisliing. Don't do that."
@dbdc4dc6031900bb2cbce65958f468fb2af3c4251e5a2c84f4e93836522686fb Hah. I doubt that #FP is a very popular tag. Not worth spamming.
I've been very happy with the Jinhao fountain pens I have in my pen collection. Working on them and with them I've collected some information that's useful to me and put it in a blog post.
#feeds #fountainpens #fp #jinhao #nibs #fps
#CallForPapers : #PADL2024 (Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages) "a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasizing novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative programming, including functional and logic programming, database and constraint programming, and theorem proving". https://popl24.sigplan.org/home/PADL-2024 #PL #FP #FunctionalProgramming
#functionalprogramming #fp #pl #padl2024 #callforpapers
#Elm is perhaps the most sophisticated #DSL ever created.
That may well sound like an oxymoronic statement by an oxygenated moron. But it is true. It behooves all #CS undergraduates to study this little pure #FP jewel. https://elm-lang.org
Yes, Elm is a web front-end DSL. But it is not a requirement to place that yoke upon one's shoulders. REPL, \(\texttt{elm-test}\), and other command-line tools enable local, off-the-web work.
Besides, these youngsters will have to grapple with web development the moment they enter #IT. So, they might as well get started on it—the proper way in Elm—while still in the nurturing environment of school.
Writing imperative code in #Haskell is still so much nicer than in any imperative language. You have one simple flow of monadic function, all side effects are encapsulated. Feels a bit like the pipes in #Bash but without all of it disadvantages.
Sad thing about Haskell that it is so hard to understand first, but when you do everything is so simple and logically. The more I use it the more I love this beautiful language.
In #FP the problems #OOP tries to solve are already solved by design.
@BoydStephenSmithJr Thanks for your answer.
In my case I want to save a file, so for the first time pressing that button I have not even a file name. So a file dialog opens you save to a file and your write to that file. Next time you press the button, you just want to update the existing file. So I have somehow to keep track of the actions.
In imperative world I could just have a global variable and I read that the state monad is the #FP way to do it, but I haven’t figured out how exactly.
Hey #Haskell people, what to you think is the easiest way to understand State Monads for someone who is smart enough to see the beauty of #FP and #Haskell, but also often too stupid to use.
(At least I managed to understand IO monad and now can produce simple #GTK apps using it.)
Let’s say I have a save button with a callback that should only create a file when it doesn’t exist already and otherwise just write to that file.
How could I use the state monad for it?
Is it good to use functional optics for handel xml?
Whats the relationship between functional optics and XPaths?
Ive seen this scala library for xml with optics.
#xml #fp #functionalprograming #functionaloptics
Is it good to use functional optics for handel xml?
Whats the relationship between functional optics and XPaths?
Ive seen this scala library for xml with optics.
#xml #fp #functionalprogramings #functionaloptics
Is it good to use functional optics for handel xml?
Whats the relationship between functional optics and XPaths?
Ive seen this scala library for xml with optics.
#xml #fp #FunctionalProgramings#FunctionalOptics
#xml #fp #functionalprogramings
Is it good to use functional optics for handel xml?
Whats the relationship between functional optics and XPaths?
Ive seen this scala library for xml with optics.
#xml #fp #functionalprograming #functionaloptics
A vexing habit of #IT practice book authors (the non-academic types) who dabble in #FP is their propensity to invent their own seemingly "intuitive" terms for long-established concepts of #mathematics: monoid, functor, applicative, monad, category, ....
Good analogies are acceptable in instruction, and incisive examples more so. But usurping existing, general mathematical concepts by anointing them with one's own concocted lay terms is uncomely. Such conduct pollutes the namespace.
The reason why a mathematical term seems aloof is because its inventor (a bona fide mathematician) struggled, long and hard, to abstract out a fundamental, general concept from many specific instances.
The least we should do is to study the general principle the mathematician worked hard to uncover. Trying to displace that established, general principle with dumbed-down, specialised, lay terms is just rolling back progress.
Il nuovo governo prevederà la presenza dei due partiti dei generali autori del colpo di Stato, oltre che di quasi tutti gli altri che hanno ottenuto almeno un seggio alle elezioni di Maggio.
A restarne fuori saranno solo #MFP|Centro-sinistra, #DEM|Centro-destra, #TST|Centristi anti-militaristi e #FP|Centro-sinistra.
#thailandia #mfp #dem #tst #fp
Il nuovo governo prevederà la presenza dei due partiti dei generali autori del colpo di Stato, oltre che di quasi tutti gli altri che hanno ottenuto almeno un seggio alle elezioni di Maggio.
A restarne fuori saranno solo #MFP|Centro-sinistra, #DEM|Centro-destra, #TST|Centristi anti-militaristi e #FP|Centro-sinistra.
#thailandia #mfp #dem #tst #fp
@endocrine_witch I'm afraid the barrel needs a service before the ink finish. #fp
If you are into programming languages, learning Ocaml (or other ML dialect like StandardML) makes a lot of sense, it's helpful for reading papers, watching conference talks, understanding basics of type theory, going through PL courses and all other fancy stuff.
Here is a good introductionary course on OCaml and functional programming:
#ocaml #pl #lisp #fp #functionalprogramming #types #typetheory #semantics
#ocaml #pl #lisp #fp #functionalprogramming #types #typetheory #semantics