Have they broken ground yet on the Trumph Presidential Library?
#Trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus #j6
#trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus #J6
to the swindled victims of the Cult45 - take your heads out of the sand!
#Trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus #guilty
#trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus #guilty
#Trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus
#trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus
When you post the address of the 44th president of the United States (even if it is incorrect) you should receive a knock on the door from the FBI and handcuffed.
#Trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus
#trump #uspolitics #justice #jacksmith #election2024 #classifieddocuments #indictment #crime #espionage #fpotus
Hey there @Teri_Kanefield… can you answer these questions?
1) Can #FPOTUS delay indefinitely with this tactic or can the judge say “You have until X date to gain counsel. If you do not have counsel by that date one will be appointed for you”. In other words, can they give a time limit on this stall tactic?
2) Can a temporary counsel be assigned so that he can be arraigned?
3) Can the judge decide to assign counsel at the time of the appearance in court?
Okay folks, this should be easy to understand. NOBODY is above the law, NOBODY! If an ex-president murdered someone they should see the ramifications of their actions. They don’t get a pass because they were a president. They shouldn’t be able to escape “showing off” sensitive documents about our or other nation’s security, military capabilities or things that were for the president’s eyes only to anyone not cleared to view these documents. #FPOTUS! Does! Not! Get! A! Pass!
@TonyStark Yeah, I saw and posted another article. They’re scrambling, I mean, really, really scrambling. I’m trying to keep a skeptical outlook on this, but it’s looking pretty damning for #FPOTUS. Remember there’s still the January 6th stuff too (Pence just testified). The #GOP is juggling chainsaws right now and failing miserably.
This is a waste of time, money, tax dollars, and years spent litigating something that’s already settled law. This is nothing but red meat for their slavering, #KnuckleDragging #MouthBreathing base. He’s as vindictive as #FPOTUS and he’s got the personality of a #WetMop.
#Desantis needs to crawl back under that slimy rock from whence he came.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/16/florida-ron-desantis-bigotry-doctors-gay-people?CMP=oth_b-aplnews_d-1 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/16/florida-ron-desantis-bigotry-doctors-gay-people?CMP=oth_b-aplnews_d-1
#knuckledragging #mouthbreathing #fpotus #wetmop #desantis
#FPOTUS has nobody to blame but himself. He tried desperately to sweep a world wide pandemic under the rug and brush it off as nothing. Biden is helping and things are getting better, but we can’t let the #GOP win here, we MUST continue to get out the vote and promote #BlueCandidates.
From: @atrupar
Uh oh …. This is bad for #FPOTUS, good for special counsel Jack Smith, but bad for the #IndictedOne.
One of the things of note from yesterday was that all of my opinions of #FPOTUS AKA #Indicted loser, was that he’s petty and will do everything possible to hold onto power. He had zero concern with the people he was supposed to serve during his so called administration. He’s going to pull out the same bag of tricks as before, just worst now that he’s backed into a corner.
@Teri_Kanefield First, the caveat: #FPOTUS is not normal. I honestly believe he’s a little insane. He’s told things over & over & he ignores them. That leads me to several questions:
1) Is it possible that the attorneys know the charges & have tried to explain them to him to no avail? He’s either ignoring them or he really doesn’t understand them?
2) If he doesn’t know, then are his attorneys keeping it quiet so that they can try to make him see the situation “clearly”?
Former allies of #FPOTUS speaking against him now is pathetic. Rats fleeing a sinking rat.
I loved that video. Would watch more but I get bad reactions from #FPOTUS.
RT @mehdirhasan
"If you don't love your children so much, and there are some people that don't, and maybe deservedly so, it won't matter because, frankly, you don't have to leave them anything."
You can't make this up. You couldn't write a fictional character like Trump:
Well, now, if we’re to any degree a democracy or democratic, #FPOTUS is a legitimate, necessary, deserved target full stop. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/23/opinions/trump-indictment-prosecution-former-world-leaders-wierson/index.html
Remember folks, this is just the beginning of #FPOTUS whipping up his “base” to be violent again.
#fpotus #trumpindictment #arresttrump