Compared to US-born Black women, low levels of low birthweight births among daughters of foreign-born Black women is evidence that a lifetime exposure to discrimination and socioeconomic inequality is associated with adverse health outcomes for black women.
#NICHDimpact #fprh #healthdisparities #SES
The COVID-19 pandemic caused service disruptions impacting access to abortion, contraceptives, HIV/STI testing, and influencing changes in sexual behaviors, menstruation, and pregnancy intentions.
#NICHDimpact #COVID19 #fprh #abortion
A 1% annual increase in condom in the U.S. use could prevent nearly 10,000 cases of sexually transmitted infections.
#NICHDimpact #fprh #STIs #SexualHealth #adolescents
Individuals experiencing income loss and food insecurity were more likely to report they would be using a different method of contraception if not for COVID-19, compared to respondents without income loss or food insecurity. A larger share of respondents —14% in July 2020 and 22% in Jan 2021— reported not using their preferred method of contraception due to COVID-19.
#NICHDImpact #COVID19 #Contraception #HealthDisparities #FPRH
#NICHDimpact #COVID19 #contraception #healthdisparities #fprh
Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages during pregnancy linked to poorer diet quality and higher total calorie consumption.
#NICHDImpact #Sugar #Obesity #Pregnancy #FPRH #Diet #Nutrition
#NICHDimpact #sugar #obesity #pregnancy #fprh #diet #nutrition
In 200+ countries, cell phone access is associated with lower gender inequality, higher contraceptive uptake, and lower maternal and child mortality.
#NICHDImpact #GenderEquality #Contraception #MaternalMortality #ChildMortality #FPRH #Poverty
#NICHDimpact #genderequality #contraception #maternalmortality #childmortality #fprh #poverty
Higher level of premature births among black mothers than white linked to socioeconomic factors (mother’s education, marital status, paternity acknowledgment, source of payment for delivery) and hypertension in pregnancy. Birth spacing plays a role for non-first-borns.
#NICHDImpact #HealthDisparities #Pregnancy #RacialDisparities #Birth #FPRH
#NICHDimpact #healthdisparities #pregnancy #racialdisparities #birth #fprh
Some evidence that those seeking abortions will travel to access those services: Border-state abortions increased for Texas residents after 2013 restrictions (House Bill 2).
#NICHDImpact #Abortion #FPRH #Texas #Travel #AbortionRestrictions
#NICHDimpact #abortion #fprh #texas #travel #abortionrestrictions
Pregnant teens seeking abortion without parental consent and their lawyers face stigma and obstacles to petitioning Texas courts for permission.
#NICHDimpact #abortion #texas #law #teenpregnancy #fprh
Among Colorado nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, and physician assistants 51% made abortion referrals while 31% referred patients to crisis pregnancy centers that discourage abortion.
#NICHDImpact #Abortion #FPRH #Healthcare #Pregnancy #Colorado
#NICHDimpact #abortion #fprh #healthcare #pregnancy #Colorado
The millions of dollars spent on U.S. abstinence-only education (1998-2016) had no effect on teen birth rates; in politically conservative states, teen birth rates rose.
#NICHDimpact #Education #teenpregnancy #fprh #sti
Higher gestational age (40-41 weeks vs. 37-38 weeks) linked to higher academic achievement at age 9 among those born full term, suggesting inductions should wait as long as possible.
#NICHDimpact #birth #childdevelopment #fprh
Maternity care providers that treat women with dignity and respect and offer support may decrease the risk of maternal and newborn complications, whereas improving communication and autonomy may increase postpartum family planning uptake.
#NICHDImpact #FPRH #MaternityCare #MaternalHealth #InfantHealth #Family #FamilyPlanning
#NICHDimpact #fprh #maternitycare #maternalhealth #infanthealth #family #familyplanning
Nonmarital birth rates increased in communities that experienced both a rise opioid overdose deaths and higher prescription drug use rates reflecting social disruptions primarily affecting unmarried women.
#NICHDImpact #Fertility #SubstanceAbuse #Opiods #Births #Family #FPRH
#NICHDimpact #fertility #substanceabuse #opiods #births #family #fprh
New mothers who received long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) within 60 days postpartum were 5x less likely to become pregnant within 2 years. Making LARCs more accessible can help patients obtain desired birth intervals.
#NICHDimpact #fprh #contraceptives #larc #birth #fertility
Abortion seeking women who had visited a crisis pregnancy center were significantly less likely to have had an abortion (30%) than those who had not (51%).
#NICHDimpact #abortion #fprh #cpc #pregnancy
Global study suggested that reduced fertility from better access to contraception may not improve women’s health in later life but may benefit her children.
#NICHDimpact #fertility #contraception #fprh
Heightened immigration enforcement linked to less prenatal care and lower infant birth weights among foreign-born U.S. citizens in the southeastern United States.
#NICHDimpact #immigration #prenatalcare #birth #fprh
Between 2014 & 2019 U.S. premature births (single, not twin) increased by 9.4% - with those delivered by cesarean up 6% & those induced up 39%. Black women faced the greatest risk of premature birth with obstetric intervention.
#NICHDimpact #maternalhealth #fertility #fprh
The stress of material hardship may explain inconsistent contraceptive use and unintended pregnancy among young women.
#NICHDimpact #fertility #contraception #pregnancy #fprh