#Frackers can use dangerous #chemicals without disclosure due to “#Halliburton #loophole”
#Fracking industry exempt from disclosure of 28 chemicals regulated by federal law. https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/08/frackers-can-use-dangerous-chemicals-without-disclosure-due-to-haliburton-loophole/
#frackers #chemicals #halliburton #loophole #fracking
Colorado #Frackers Doubled Freshwater Use During #Megadrought, Even as Drilling and Oil Production Fell. Oil and gas operators dramatically increased their reliance on high-quality #water for fracking even though they produced enough #wastewater to supply the operations. #pollution #fracking https://insideclimatenews.org/news/22052023/colorado-fracking-wastewater-drought/
#frackers #megadrought #water #wastewater #pollution #fracking
Colorado #Frackers Doubled Freshwater Use During #Megadrought, Even as Drilling and Oil Production Fell. Oil and gas operators dramatically increased their reliance on high-quality #water for fracking even though they produced enough #wastewater to supply the operations. #pollution #fracking https://insideclimatenews.org/news/22052023/colorado-fracking-wastewater-drought/
#fracking #Pollution #wastewater #Water #megadrought #frackers
@JohnShirley2023 @CarolDanvers
It is utterly despicable. RuPaul bragged about leasing their land to #Frackers in an interview with NPR's Terri Gross so there's good supporting evidence for my allegation and I think it is horrid that the left doesn't say something about it too.
Now just think, today those who are #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein, #sociopaths, #warCriminals and #frackers are the ones getting tens of billions of newly minted #fiatCurrency from the #bankers everyday.
#centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantillonEffect #CIA #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism
#friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #sociopaths #warcriminals #frackers #fiatCurrency #bankers #centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantilloneffect #cia #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism