is a scam hidden with .

The model of based on improvedValue (aka ). You would make it progressive, starting at 15% of rentalValue to 50% for the extremelyWealthy.

For grandma a (from landTax that goes up a bit with age will help (1.6 units of UBI) For one child, half a U approx. Two, 3/4 U. No extra support for 3rd/4th children.

At adulthood 1U increasing with age.
@realcaseyrollins @alex @sean @moth

#fractionalReserveBanking #complexityTheatre #HenryGeorge #LandTax #rentalValue #ubi

Last updated 4 years ago

Strypey, see how you're describing how MMT is being - manipulated by the current oligarchy?

No, not only (FRB) but .

Yes you have the central banks that print money for the billionaireClass. Under them the , , etc who're part of the b'class and . And then under that the banks that just do the FRB stuff.

All of them are insidious, out of control.

Kids might attack it.

#politicised #fractionalReserveBanking #centralBanking #merchantBanks #venturecapital #hedgeFunds #epsteinClass

Last updated 4 years ago

We've been trying work out what makes and countries hate Muslims.

Is the pedophila problem really real.

Could the oppression of women be a to cover the of for and .

Maybe they hate that Muslims are fundamentally opposed to , and on loans, which is the entire basis of the that's falling in the west.

Or both?

Please correct us if we're misguided.

#western #westernising #massLine #classLine #divideandrule #oilReserves #naturalresources #fractionalReserveBanking #interest #pyramidscheme

Last updated 5 years ago