One of my other art forms I do is #fractalart, my dA fractal art account used to be deadenedglow. I mostly post on the Fractal Chats discord when I do create fractals. I use #Apophysis, #Fractorium, #Chaotica, or #UltraFractal.
#fractalart #apophysis #fractorium #chaotica #ultrafractal
Added EXR import to my #MultifractalSpectrum calculator. Hacked an option into #Fractorium command line renderer to output raw histogram data to EXR. Ran a batch process to render and analyze some of the examples that come with Fractorium (in its Data/Bench directory).
#fractorium #MultifractalSpectrum
#autostereogram for #crosseyed viewing
depth map exported from #fragmentarium (one of the examples that comes with it)
horizontally repeating fractal texture made with #fractorium (modulusx final transform).
combined with homemade software. final image had autolevels applied to brighten it up before downscaling to 1920x1080@100dpi
I think this one turned out ok despite the depth discontinuities.
#autostereogram #crosseyed #fragmentarium #fractorium
#howto render a vertical strip that repeats horizontally in #fractorium (possibly also other #flame #fractals software like #apophysis or #chaotica ). possible use case: texture for #autostereogram generation.
0. start with some flame
1. add a Final transform with linear variation weight 0 and modulusx weight 1. its affine transform should be reset to identity.
2. set flame Width to 256px, and Scale to 128.0 (presumably half the width works in all cases).
3. make sure camera rotation and offset are 0.0
4. render!
- a small seam is still visible in Firefox when zooming in, possible workaround is to render bigger, tile in #imagemagick #montage , then downscale and crop, to make the seam as (subpixel) small as desired
- "overlaps" in the fractal structure, but I don't care about that (yet)
#howto #fractorium #flame #fractals #apophysis #chaotica #autostereogram #imagemagick #montage