Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
590 followers · 2854 posts · Server

@MiaWinter The only thing I am wondering (yes, yes, 🙄) is whether this is in Austria or Czechia - based on the food on the table (I said, , didn't I?) 😂


Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
585 followers · 2701 posts · Server

I didn't want to hijack the original poster's toot, so here is this subtoot:

Someone toots "Back pain medication" and this photo is attached.

My brain immediately starts getting confused with "back" and "oral". It can't comprehend how "back" and "oral" can be linked and stops functioning for a few seconds because, according to my brain, they are contradictory terms. 🤷

Yep, I still have to live with this 🙄


Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
585 followers · 2676 posts · Server

Other person: “I will miss you!”

Me wanting to say “Me, too” but then my brain immediately stopping it and starting an internal dialog: ”Saying ‘Me, too’ would be in return of the other person saying they will miss *me* and my “me, too” would mean that I will miss *me*, too, but I want to say I miss *them*, not me, but would like to use the “, too”-struct but that only works when it is the same but how can I miss me? Wouldn’t that be wrong? Shouldn’t the correct response be “I will miss you?” with emphasis on “I” and “you”?

And thus, y’all, thanks to my brain I miss another perfect timing for a nice response//

Yes, yes! I still have to live with this brain another - checks calendar - 78 years (remember: I am going to be 132 years old when I die)

#fragmybrain #actuallyautistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
566 followers · 2106 posts · Server

The thing is: I fully understand - I really *do*. And I *knew* all the time that this *would* happen. I just *hoped* it wouldn’t, but *knew* it would.

always knows better - but just hopes, or rather: lies to itself, that it will come differently…

I feel like right now: be cheerful outside, all the time, to everyone - but inside, hate everything and everybody, especially myself for being such a cynical asshole and for all that was in my whole life…

Yep! I have not yet reached “Peak Bottom” - there is still some way to go (down)… :blobcatnotlikethis: :blobcat_trash:

#loveofmylife #fragmybrain #tedlasso

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
487 followers · 712 posts · Server

@inherentlee I hadn’t seen this meme, but I absolutely LOVE it! 🥰

I think I mentioned that things with “finding a common language wit cis-/non-nd people”.

I had this conversation some eight or ten weeks ago, where, after an interesting party, on the way back to the hotel, one of the guys (cis) approached me and asked me if I could *explain* to him how it is to be non-binary.

😮‍💨 … here we go again…

I tried, I really, really tried, but it is like (no disrespect here) trying to explain a person who was BORN BLIND the color … blue; or red; or green; … or a sunset; or a sunrise.

If they have NEVER EVER seen it, how do you describe it? What is your common coordinate system?

In case of the blind people there is a way out, though, and a beautiful one as it were: We can ask them to help us by describing how *they* perceive certain things with their other sense. So, we could, e.g. ask them to describe us how they smell a breeze; or how they hear and identify who is walking out there. And through their explanation we can, together, create a common coordinate system. Or what they feel when they touch a piece of wood…

But this is possible because the people BORN blind are **different** from the mainstream and they have something extraordinary compared to the average, non-blind person: (usually) their other senses are extremely heightened. They actually sense the world **differently**; thus talking with them we can (because we both have different perceptions of The Truth™️) create a common coordinate system.

But if you are “normal”, i.e. “average person” wrt to any perception, sensory experiences, sense of own gender, etc., etc., there is no way to create a common coordinate system in which we can navigate.

You see, with the blind person, we can together create a common coordinate system by **explaining to each other the difference between our perception and what is considered “normal”**

It is like “normal” is a lingua franca, but it is extremely limited and used only for practical purposes; but it can also be used to “translate between two different, non-normal worlds”.

Or more specifically, imagine two people: one speaks Turkish *and* English and the other one only speaks English. Now, of course, you can speak English and that’s that.

But imagine, otoh, the second one speaks English **and** Quechua. These two people, by using English as exlanatory or even using English to explain how something is NOT, can tell to each other how their language works. They can use English as e “negating base” to transfer the Language Experience of Quechua to the Language Experience of Turkish, because both know English and know the limits of English.

So, I tried; I tried really hard but since he kept saying he doesn’t get it, I just had to give it up.


… sigh… I really should stop with these … I am really sorry for these long posts, but this is - at its best or t its worst 😔

#musings #fragmybrain

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
461 followers · 389 posts · Server

@Tinytarrasque Unfortunately (I know I am repeating myself), it is mostly not even their fault that they are bigots or assholes. They are the children of society, the product of their upbringing.

No baby is born as a bigot or asshole or has prejudices. The people raising them and the society that surrounds them make them to what they are later in life.

Yes, some of them are strong enough to break through that programming, but that is an extremely painful process and not everybody can try or even survive that.

I believe to be a very enlightened, tolerant, and accepting person, but still I catch myself with just another friggin’ prejudice here and there and I myself realize how much of a work it is to get rid of it, or rather: to bury it, because you can’t get rid of it.

But prejudice, buried, is an ugly many-headed beast: it comes back, again and again and you have to bury it deeper and deeper. And that is really a lot of work.

I am saying I am in a privileged position, because I don’t need to worry about day to day issues that others have to. I have a great job, a home that I own, have a loving, caring partner who competes for being my biggest supporter with my daughter, wo is already an adult who doesn’t need my help and there is nobody depending on me. And I make enough money to not worry about that shit.

But imagine all the others: most people have to worry about so many little things just to get their lives going, that they don’t have any capacity left to “unprogram” themselves. I know, over the longer term it would be better for *all* of us if everybody would just get rid of that programming, but, you know, a lot of people are even fighting for survival (“how to get food on the table”)…

But those who *are* privileged like me and don’t have to fight those daily battles and are still bigots, assholes: they are just pieces of crap, full of hate and they can burn in hell - for eternity, slowly roasting and screaming and asking for forgiveness without ever getting it.

Sorry for this long stuff. But, as I said elsewhere, is always ready for another episode of .

… especially when it is a topic very dear to me…



#fragmybrain #musings

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
461 followers · 389 posts · Server

@AlwaysAutie Upon further meditation on it, look, she says: “If you’re going to be a *lady*”, which, I must admit, is absolutely kind-of lovely, because she doesn’t say “If you are *going to be* a *woman*”, meaning, if that wording is accurate, she has fully internalized you being a woman and doesn’t even think in “going to be a woman” because she accepted that you’ve always been a woman and just wants you to “… also *become* a lady”, because, yeah, one can NOT become a woman (because one either IS or NOT), but one needs to do a lot of work to *become* a lady (regardless of what “lady” means for anyone; I am always thinking of Madame d’Pompadour when I hear “lady”, so, why not? She was a brilliant, intelligent, smart, beautiful, educated, … oh yeah, I am in love with her…)

#fragmybrain #musings

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
449 followers · 245 posts · Server

Ooof, very complicated day. Started with a huge headache (like the worst hangover one can have), still not completely gone (I’ll probably take off a few days), then had wonderful morning with caring for me, great chats here on Fedi (the after effects of the defed drama still going), gave in and finally told the persons my feelings (ok, so far only two of them)…

And also talked a lot - I mean literally: A LOT - to tech mods.

I think overall it was an acceptable day (: “and what would you do if the day wasn’t acceptable? reject it? choose another day from the rack? call the manager and ask for a refund? tsk tsk tsk”)

Good night my dearest and still absolutely adored of Fediverse. Sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and… never forgetting to tell “I love you” to those we love!

#loveofmylife #fragmybrain #newfriends #oldfriends #goodnightfediverse

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
425 followers · 58 posts · Server

Since I moved to a new instance (my own), a new is needed.

You can find my pinned intro here:


… I joined Fedi some time last autumn. Since then, I probably learned more about myself than at any time before, mainly thanks to wonderful people, my and some, in the meantime, here.

I am a:
- ✅ ,
- ✅ (OCD),
- ✅ ,
- ✅
- ✅ sometimes
- ✅ (), who is
- ✅ ,
- ✅ ,
- ✅ ,
- ❌ not into cis men,
- ✅ partner of and
- ✅ parent of . I am also a
- ✅ , , and . I mostly do
- ✅ & . I love
- ✅ ,
- ✅ ,
- ✅ with my of every gender or non-gender (as they please; the more the better). Most of the time, you can just
- ✅ ,
- ✅ ,
- ✅ as long as it is full of , , and you have a mastery of . I love
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅ & & & & (the list is too long…)

In my toots expect:
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅ (Software)
- ✅ , ,
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅ (but respectful & lovely)
- ✅ ,
- ✅ Stories about my adored daughter,
- ✅ Stories about love of my life,
- ✅ Stories about love, beauty, magic.

Hello, again!

#introduction #newfriends #oldfriends #neurodivergent #oc #actuallyautistic #trans #genderfluid #nonbinary #enby #polyam #trixic #enbian #loveofmylife #myadoreddaughter #software #engineer #byheart #bysoul #byfingers #softwarearcheology #softwaremodernization #cooking #musings #chitchatting #transsiblings #ignoreme #loveme #talkshitwithme #intelligence #wit #humor #languages #cats #dogs #animals #trees #nature #beauty #beautyinpeople #transrights #politics #worktopics #ginlo #ginlo_ii #cicero #catimages #dogimages #beautifulimages #crazydreams #fragmybrain #heateddiscussions #crazystories

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
148 followers · 1501 posts · Server

So many toots mentioning “NYE” and my brain goes: “Why are so many people from New York East here today?”
I mean, you friggin’ brain, didn’t you even notice that that is grammatically garbage. If at all, it would be “ENY” for “East New York”, or better yet, “East NYC”.

It took me literally HOURS to conclude that it was “New Years Eve” 😬


Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
130 followers · 1278 posts · Server

I did a search on the Internet. The first entry is a Russian website. Then my brain goes:
“No, no, I won’t touch it with a 10m (30 feet… wait, are 10m 30 ft? No, it can’t be. Let’s double-check it…. Here: ‘32.8084 ft for our US friends’; why do the US still use Imperial System? Wasn’t the whole reason for independence to get rid of Empires and Kings and & Queens; weird people over there on the other side of the pond) … pole!”
… 🙄 I have to live with this brain…


Last updated 2 years ago