K-ZO da Snowman · @kzodasnowman
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Democrat fundraising emails with subject titles "pack up, go home, we lost" sure inspire action /s.

Writing from a place of weakness and failure is itself weakness and failure. It's always in the negative framing of the enemy. Check out @georgelakoff and @gilduran of for more info. People want to win - be real about the landscape of the fight. I wonder what the inner communications on these loser appeals look like.


Last updated 1 year ago

Here are some concepts that caught my eye when I was reading ’s ‘Don’t Think of an Elephant,’ a fantastic on and framing .

The title covers the general idea - it makes you think of an elephant, right? Even though it says not to.

That’s framing and it feels like the core of the conservative playbook.

#framelab #arguments #politics #book #georgelakoff

Last updated 2 years ago