Earlier this year, I took a look at a problem that's been puzzling me for a long time: Why is Frances, Duchess of Tyrconnell (the Jacobite Duchess) buried in so fine a location in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, and just how involved was Jonathan Swift in making this happen. My tentative conclusions are here: https://livesalemstate-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/cfauske_salemstate_edu/ESZlOJXtgQ5MljtcTwHkK4wBTjH-bX05StGWW6Hu854whQ?e=PkTTI1. #FrancesJennings #FrancesDuchessOfTyrconnell #JonathanSwift
#francesjennings #francesduchessoftyrconnell #jonathanswift