Now Watching Outland - 1981
Peter Hyams’ sci-fi western starring Sean Connery owes a lot to High Noon and always feels like it’s set in the same universe as Alien.
#Outland #SeanConnery #PeterHyams #FrancesSternhagen #PeterBoyle #HighNoon #Alien #Io #film #movie #NowWatching
#Outland #seanconnery #peterhyams #francessternhagen #peterboyle #highnoon #alien #io #film #movie #nowwatching
just before the witching hour strikes here in GMT the end of eartha kitt day, i ask you: how fucking stupendous is this photo of liza, madeline, eartha & frances?
#earthaKitt #madelineKahn #lizaMinnelli #francesSternhagen #film #music #icons
#icons #Music #Film #francessternhagen #LizaMinnelli #madelinekahn #earthakitt
Remembering #KirstieAlley in Sibling Rivalry (1990)…
#filmreview #movie #moviereview #CarrieFisher #filmreview #SamElliott #billpullman #JamiGertz, #EdONeill, , #ScottBakula, #JohnRandolph and #FrancesSternhagen
#kirstiealley #filmreview #movie #moviereview #carriefisher #samelliott #billpullman #jamigertz #edoneill #scottbakula #johnrandolph #francessternhagen